Our gospel reading tells of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, when two young parents and two elderly people are brought together by Jesus. He is the one who brings together and unites generations! Authentic love comes to us from Jesus, and if there is no love then there is no joy. He is the source the love which overcomes self-absorption, solitude, and sadness. He offers us his word, which lights our path and gives us the Bread of life which sustains us on our journey. We pray that we may all live our family life in faith and simplicity, like the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Last year, on the occasion of this feast, Pope Francis commented: “our gaze on the Holy Family is drawn by the simplicity of its life in Nazareth.” He suggested three key words for peace and joy in family life: “excuse me, thank you, and sorry.” When we do not want to be intrusive and say “excuse me!,” when we are not selfish and say “thank you,” and when we make mistakes and apologise, then there is peace and joy within our family. He encouraged families to be aware of their importance in the Church and in society, because the Gospel is proclaimed first within the family, and then in the areas of everyday life. He invoked Mary, Joseph and Jesus, to “enlighten, comfort, and guide every family in the world, to fulfil with dignity and serenity the mission God has entrusted to them.”
In our Parish of Christ the King, there are many families and individuals who live the faith they profess and whose contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their quiet and unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched.
As 2015 dawns The Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish would like to thank you for you help and support. Every parish is a kind of family, part of God’s family – we thank God that in our Parish of Christ the King, there are so many families and individuals who live the faith they profess.
We offer our special thanks also to those who care for the Church and clean it every week, look after the flowers and altar linens, to the Choir, to Ministers of Word and Eucharist, to Altar Servers and their parents. We thank the Church Collectors, Sacristan, Caretaker, Parish Dues Collectors, those who care for the sick and elderly. Thanks are also due to St Vincent de Paul Society, St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. Legion of Mary, the Prayer Group, the Parish Baptismal Teams, our Child Protection Representatives. We thank those who put up the Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully. We thank you for your generosity in the offertory collection each week for the upkeep of the Church and payment of staff. Our thanks to the Parish Finance Committee and to Sr. Karen Kent and Fr. Charlie from the Pastoral Development Office who have been so helpful.
We thank all who contributed so generously during 2014 to Trocaire Christmas Gift Cards, to the Trocaire Lenten Campaign, the Lourdes Fund, and to our collections for the Episcopal Commission, the Holy Places, Pastoral Planning, the Pope’s Collection, the Education Fund, Marriage Care and the Mission Sunday collection.
The Parish Assembly, Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy
Christmas: It has been a lovely Christmas, there were great crowds and a great atmosphere during the Advent and Christmas Liturgies. The joyful preparation, anticipation, participation, celebration and sense of community were inspiring, we thank all who participated. Thank you for your Christmas wishes and generous Christmas offerings. We appreciate your encouraging words.
As we begin the New Year we pray that 2015 will bring us many blessings.
Anointing of Sick: Sat 3rd January after 10am Mass.
Death: We remember in our prayers Deirdre O’Neill, High Street who died recently and extend our prayers and sympathy to her family.
St. Vincent de Paul wish to thank all who contributed so generously to their annual Christmas Church Gate Collection (€ 3,350) and also those who brought gifts in abundance to the Santa Giving Tree in the church on Giving Sunday. Your continued support is appreciated during these difficult times. __
The Wise Men are on their way