14th December 2014 – 3rd Sunday Advent (B)

AdventWreath2013-940x567Lighting the 3rd Candle of Advent Wreath  (The Candle of Joy, Hope & Peace)            All: Lord God, Your witness John the Baptist grew up strong in spirit and prepared people for the coming of the Lord. He loved your people and baptized them in the River Jordan to wash away their sins. Help us to have the same love that we would be witnesses to him and spread the good news of your love. As Christmas draws closer day by day, help us to be ready to welcome him. Ame


Jesus and John in the River Jordan

Rejoice !
The first word in the entrance antiphon of our Mass today is Rejoice, “Rejoice in the Lord always,” and the third Sunday of Advent is Joyful Sunday when we light the pink candle on the Advent Wreath.   The second reading tells us to pray, give thanks and be happy always, because this is God’s will for us, even in the middle of our penitential preparation for Christmas.  John the Baptist comes in our Advent readings to show us the light, to make us ready to rejoice in the One who comes at Christmas.  He was the forerunner of the coming Christ, sent by God in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way for the Lord, as foretold by the prophet Malachi.  May we prepare a path for the coming Christ Child in our hearts and rejoice in the Lord during the remaining days of Advent. 

Welcome Home

 Christmas Penitential Services    Next weekend 20th & 21st  December after 6pm vigil, 10am & 12 noon Masses. A number of priests will be available for Confessions.  We have an opportunity of preparing for the birthday of Jesus. We come together in faith as a community to celebrate God’s forgiveness. None of us is without sin. We are all in need of forgiveness. God knows that deep down in our hearts we want to turn back to him.  God offers us this most wonderful gift, that is the assurance that no matter how we have failed his forgiveness is there for us all.

Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards are available after Masses   in the Parish Office.  The Triduum of Masses will be offered  on the 23/24/25 Dec.

Christmas  Masses:  Christmas Eve: 6pm & 10pm.  Christmas Day: 9am, 10am  12noon (note extra Mass at 9am)

Deaths.  We remember in our prayers Denis Leonard, Greenhills Court and Catherine Bell, South Douglas Road who died recently and we extend our sympathy to their families.

Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the Wednesdays of Advent after the 10am Mass until 11am
Altar Decoration for Christmas:  If you would to give a Red Poinsettia plant to decorate the Altar for Christmas ,it would be much appreciated

imagesTraditionally this Sunday 14th Dec. is Giving Sunday – when Santa will help our local St. Vincent de Paul Society.  Our Santa’s Giving Tree will be in place.  This year instead of toys, we request non-perishable foods to help struggling families.  Any of the following items – tea, coffee, sugar, Tayto, chocolates, selection boxes, biscuits, soup, may be placed at the Santa Tree in the Church (no toys). The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will collect them after the Masses.



Society of St Vincent de Paul:  The Christmas Church Door collection takes place today, the Society thanks you for your continuing generosity and wishes a happy and holy Christmas to all.  Turner’s Cross Church Door collections for the past year amounted to €18,365. Over the same period help to the needy in our area came to € 27, 545 in respect of such items as food vouchers, coal and other fuel costs and education expenses. The shortfall was made up from the Society’s central funds.

Christmas gifts with a difference: You can purchase a Trocaire gift  and get a card to send or give to a friend, available at the back of the Church from Parish Assembly members after Mass.  This Christmas change someone’s world for the better with a Trócaire Gift

A Coming Christ in Advent:  Biblical reflections on the Gospel Infancy Narratives in the Parish Centre on Tuesday evenings to 23rd December 7.45 pm – 9.30 pm.  Presentation followed by tea and small group discussion, all welcome.

Advent: Public Morning and Evening Prayer will be celebrated on Tuesdays in Advent.  Morning Prayer (Lauds) will be celebrated in the Church after 10.00 am Mass, and Evening Prayer (Vespers) will be celebrated at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre, all are welcome.

Credit Union:  The Annual General Meeting of Comhar Creidmheasa Chriost Ri Teoranta will be held in Bunscoil Chriost Ri (Convent Hall ) on Thur. 19th Dec. at 8.00 pm.

A Ceremony of Carols and Seasonal Favourites by Benjamin Britten and Peter Warlock in Ss Peter & Paul’s Church on Wed. 17th Dec. at 8pm Full Choir, Soloist, Harp & Organ. See poster at back of Church.