The poem in praise of a perfect wife at the end of the Book of Proverbs is somewhat foreign to our culture and even seems condescending to women It might seem a little less strange if we imagine it as being written by an ancient Irish mother, anxious to find a suitable wife for her precious son! And in fact this end section of the Book of Proverbs is headed “the sayings of Lemuel king of Massa, taught him by his mother.” The piece has been regarded as a poem in praise of wisdom, traditionally thought of as female. The wise person is someone who is loving, who helps those in need, who gives to the poor and is businesslike and hard working, someone who “gets on with it,” and uses his or her talents in loving service.
Some of us may feel that our talents don’t amount to much, that we are not as gifted, say, as the ten talent man in the parable, yet we all have some gifts, given by God for a purpose. Spiritual gifts are given for the good of all; if they are not used, they will not be fruitful, but when ordinary people accept and use their giftedness great things are achieved in the kingdom of God.
Prayers and blessing of Graves Sunday 23 Nov. St Finbarr’s 2.30pm
Don’t forget a pray at the Graves at the back of the Church
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 15th/16th November. This collection supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of approximately € 300,000.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers John Kelleher, Doyle Rd and Br. Ambrose O’Mahony OFM St. Francis Church, Liberty St. late of Congress Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their Families and Community.
Advent Evening of Prayer and Reflection for Parishioners and all those who serve in our Parish of Christ the King. Wed. 3rd Dec. at 7.30pm. St. Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel with Fr. Cormac Breathnach.
Advent: Public Morning and Evening Prayer will be celebrated on Tuesdays in Advent. Morning Prayer (Lauds) will be celebrated in the church after 10.00 am Mass, and Evening Prayer (Vespers) will be celebrated at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre, all are welcome.
A Coming Christ in Advent: Our occasional series of Biblical reflections continues with four talks on the Gospel Narratives Preparing for the Birth of Jesus, to be held in the Parish Centre, Turner’s Cross on Tuesday evenings in Advent from 2nd to 23rd December starting at 7.45 pm. These will include presentation of material by Fr Billy followed by tea and small group discussion, all are welcome.
A Fundraising Concert in aid of Glasheen Schools will take place on Fri. 5th Dec. at 7.30 pm in the Lough Church. Cara O Sullivan will be joined by Glasheen Schools Choirs.
Tickets from: The Lough parish office or Ryan’s Supervalu Togher Contact: 086 1567626
Ordination: Rev. Marius O’Reilly will be ordained a priest for our Diocese by Bishop Buckley, on Sunday Nov. 23rd, the Solemnity of Christ the King, in the Church of the Real Presence, Curraheen, at 2.30pm. Let us pray for Marius as he prepares.
Youth 2000 Ireland will be hosting a youth day retreat in Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte, on Saturday 22nd November from 10.30am to 6.00pm. The day will consist of inspirational talks, testimonies, prayer, music and a lot more. This is a great opportunity to find out what your faith is all about in a friendly, chilled out atmosphere, newcomers very welcome. For young people aged 16-35. For more information see www.youth2000.ie <http://www.youth2000.ie/> or call 086 3049843
Feast of Christ The King next weekend 23rd Nov. there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament from 2 pm until before the 6pm Mass on next Saturday 22nd Nov. It is hoped that someone will be in the Church throughout the afternoon. Rota list at exit doors.
Do this in Memory”: meeting with the parent class representatives in Fr. Kerry’s house on this Mon. 17h Nov. at 7.30pm.
Christmas Party: Senior Citizens Christmas Party will be held in the Nemo Complex on Sun. 7th Dec. at 3.30pm. Please give names by the 1st December.