St. John Lateran: Every year, on the 9th of November, we celebrate the feast of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. Why do we do this? It is ‘Mother and Head of all the churches of the City and the World’. Although the Pope lives in the Vatican and in the shadow of St Peter’s St John Lateran is the Pope’s Cathedral. On the feast of the dedication of a church we are celebrating more than a building. Some people think that God lives in buildings like churches or basilicas. St. Paul told the Christian community in Corinth “You are God’s building…you are that Temple…the Spirit of God lives in you.” We build churches to worship God. But churches have no meaning unless they point towards the church being the Christian community with God present where his people are. Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter, is the head of our Church on earth. Through him we are united with Catholics all over the world. That is why we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of his Cathedral in Rome St. John Lateran.
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls continues until this Monday 10th Nov. Mass at 10am & 6pm
Prayers and blessing of Graves: Sunday 9 Nov. St Michael’s Blackrock 3pm
St Catherine’s Kilcully 3pm Sunday 23 Nov. St Finbarrs 2.30pm
Don’t forget a pray at the Graves at the back of the Church
Parish Assembly: Meeting on Mon. 10th Nov. in the Parish Centre at 8.00 pm. Agenda can be collected in Sacristy at weekend Masses.
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses next weekend. 15th/16th November. This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of approximately € 300,000.
Death: We remember in our prayers Pat Dunne, Greenhills who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.
St.Joseph’s Young Priests Society will meet in the Parish Center on Tues. 11th Nov. after the 10am Mass. The members thank all who contribute to the education of priests and pray for vocation and those who were with them recently when Fr. Ben Hodnett celebrated Mass and attended their AGM.
Report on Synod: We have been hearing in recent times about the Synod held in Rome in October The theme of the Synod was “Pastoral Challenges to the Family” to discuss urgent pastoral needs facing the family. Bishops and some laity from around the world gathered, there was open dialogue and genuine debate. In fact, the very word ‘synod’ means making a walk or a journey together. The final text of the Synod has been published unmistakably a document of the Pope Francis era, expressing the urgent desire to welcome all into the loving arms of the Father He attended the meetings every day. His final remarks to the Synod, were received with a five minute standing ovation from those present. Pope Francis warned Bishops of the temptation to a hostile rigidity that forces people to lock themselves into the letter of the law, he also criticised the temptation to “come down from the cross to please people and disregard the deposit of faith.” However he said there cannot be a “false sense of mercy which wants to bind up wounds without really caring for them” The Pope from the very beginning wanted openness he trusted those present at the synod to take the discussions as far as they could and in all honesty. Sometimes people in the face of these challenges tended to overlook the Holy Spirit, the guarantor of the process. The biggest challenge remains; as to how in today’s complex cultural situation the church can open a dialogue with men and women and young people where they are and lead them to a better idea of the Christian understanding of marriage; this will involve a radical rethinking of the churches pastoral care for marriage and catechises among young people.” The final report of the Synod, described by the Vatican as a “work in progress” has been published and is available on our Parish website.
Advent Evening of Prayer and Reflection for Parishioners and all those who serve in our Parish of Christ the King. Wed. 3rd Dec. at 7.30pm. St. Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel with Fr. Cormac Breathnach.
A Fundraising Concert in aid of Glasheen Schools will take place on Fri. 5th Dec. at 7.30 pm in the Lough Church. Cara O Sullivan will be joined by Glasheen Schools Choirs. Tickets from: The Lough parish office or Ryan’s Supervalu Togher Contact: 086 1567626