We can be shocked by the rebuke to Peter in today’s gospel reading; “get behind me, Satan!” Jesus has begun to teach something new to the disciples who have only just realised who he is: “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” But the first prophesy of the passion talks about Jesus suffering grievously, being killed, and rising again. This is an unthinkable fate for Jesus, though the Son of Man will come in the Glory of the Father with the holy angels. The kingdom of God is farther away, far more wonderful, more divine than they could imagine.
There is danger ahead, and Jesus and his followers are going to walk straight into it. It’s as if he said: “come and be losers.” This was hard for the disciples to take, hard for Peter and hard for us. As the old saying goes, God’s ways are not our ways! We, like the disciples, must follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, must take up our cross every day. And anything that gets in the way is not of God. To save our lives, we must loose them, and if we loose them for Jesus’ sake, only then will we really find them, only then will we really begin to live. There is danger in our time too, and we are on call, on standby. Following Jesus is not a walk in the park, not a pleasant walk by the Sea of Galilee, but a walk into danger and possibly suffering. It’s not easy, but it is the only way to go.
Parents of First Holy Communion Children: A meeting in Christ King Church on Tues. 9th Sept at 7.30pm on Tues. for parents of the second class pupils of Bunscoil Chriost Ri who wish their children to receive their First Holy Communion in May, 2015. The Enrolment Ceremony will take place on Sun. 28th Sept.
Parish Choir: will return next weekend. New members are always welcome
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick after the 10.00 am Mass next Saturday 6th September.
First Friday: On Thursday & Friday of this week Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy will visit the sick & the housebound at the usual times. If you are not on the list and would like a Priest to call please make contact, the phone numbers are in the bulletin.
Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy
Death: We remember in our prayers Sean O’Sullivan, Fr. Matthew Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family
Parish Assembly Meeting on Monday 8th September at 8.00 pm in Parish Centre.
Community Employment VACANCY. Secretary /Receptionist vacancy at Pastoral Development Office, Ballyphehane. Duties to include telephone, typing, filing, computers and accounts. As this is a Community Employment position, eligibility applies. CVs to Southside Training & Development Ltd. SMA Centre, Wilton, Tel: 4345583.
Email <> .
Turners Cross Community Centre, Curragh Rd. Positive Psychology/Mindfulness and Relaxation Classes commencing on Mon. 8th Sept from 7:30-9:00 course costing €60 Contact: Judy Phelan R.G.N Dip Applied Positive Psychology I.A.H.M – 0857142944.
Cork Alzheimer’s Cafe – A safe space for people with memory problems including Alzheimer’s and other dementias, their carers, family & friends along with social and health professionals to meet on the last Friday of each month beginning this Friday 29th Aug 1.30pm-3,30pm. Activity Centre, St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Rd. Light refreshments All welcome.
Turner’s Cross Active Retirement Group are reopening on this Tues. 2nd Sept. in the Centre, Capwell Rd. at 7.30 pm. New members welcome.
Gentlemen’s Retirement Group reopens Monday 8th September at 7.30 pm in Centre, Capwell Rd.
South Parish Community Association Table Quiz in aid of Presentation Sisters Mission in Pakistan Thursday 11th September at 8.00 pm in The Flying Enterprise Bar.
Important September Dates for Bunscoil Chríost Rí
Tues. 9th Sept: Meeting of Parents of children of 2nd Class in The Church at 7.30 pm
Tues. 16th Sept: Mass for beginning of School Year in The Church at 11 am
Sun. 28th Sept: Enrolment Mass for First Holy Communion in May 2015.