We celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to us at Pentecost. Christ’s fearful disciples had kept their heads down, not drawing attention to themselves. A sudden change occurred on that Sunday morning, they began to speak openly and powerfully about Jesus, proclaiming that he is risen, that he is Lord. As members of the Church in our time, we can feel fearful, our heads are down, we are shamed by scandals and upset by falling Mass attendances, we feel disillusioned. We know it should be better, we pray it will be better. The Spirit gives us hope that it will be better, that he will make his Church new and vibrant as on that Pentecost dawn. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and giver of life, the one who renews the face of the earth, and we pray that he will renew the face of our Church. We pray for renewal, for ourselves and for the Church, that we may experience the new life, the enthusiasm and the love of the early Church. Jesus tells us not to be afraid, he is with us through his Spirit to comfort and guide, to answer our cry. As the Holy Spirit guides us, we remember that Jesus’ message of life and love is not spread by powerful human systems, but by the Spirit of God: “not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” (Zechariah 4:6)
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul thanks us for the clothes collection last weekend, “140 bags – that was a huge collection.” Last year they had a net profit of € 800,000 from their shops and recycling in the Cork Region – that is a lot of cornflakes / education etc.
Exams: Our Students as they continue with exams are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy.
Ministers of the Eucharist and Word rotas for the coming weeks are in the Sacristy.
Ordination: Congratulations to Ben Hodnett who was ordained to the priesthood for our Diocese this Saturday by Bishop John Our prayers and good wishes to Fr. Ben. He celebrates his First Mass in the Cathedral this Sunday at 6.00 pm, and will give his blessing after Mass.
Sharing the Faith with the next generation
A one day conference with Bishop Frank J. Caggiano from Bridgeport, Connecticut at Clongowes Wood College, on Friday 4th July from 9:00am to 4:30pm and repeated on Saturday 5th July, same times. Buses from St Patrick’s Church, Lower Road. Details from Mairin 087 7950325.
The Alzheimer Society Support Meeting for Carers 11th June. 3pm to 4.30pm in Day Care Centre in Bessboro, Blackrock. Saturday Club: 14th June at Bessboro 2pm – 4pm. Jerry Tuohy and his guitar. . All Welcome, for information contact 021 4972504
Funeral Ministry: There will be a meeting of the Team in Fr. Kerry’s house on Tuesday 10th June at 8.30pm
Parish Assembly meeting in the Parish Centre Monday 9th June at 8.00 pm.
St Joseph’s Young Priests Society meet on Tues. 10th June in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Mary (Babs) Winning, Derrynane Rd. and Frances O’Connell, O’Connell Ave. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Cork City Hospitals Children’s Club: Gardai members of the Cork City Hospitals Children’s Club are hosting a family night at Cork Greyhound Track on 13th June to raise funds for the club. Tickets available in Wilton Shopping Centre, € 10, family tickets € 20, Disney characters in special race, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many more
Summer Scheme: Fundraising table quiz in aid of South Parish/Turners Cross Summer Scheme on Friday the 13th June in the Evergreen bar at 9.00 pm. Spot prizes, all welcome.
Set dancing every Monday night in the Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa, Ballyphehane (behind Centra) at 8pm. All welcome. Contact Maurice on 0876460758
Lourdes: Fr. Kerry travels to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage on Wednesday 11th June. 44 young people (one representing our Parish) will be helping with the 100 invalids. Petitions to be placed at the Grotto may be put in envelopes – no money –and placed in the box at the altar rail before noon on Tuesday, 10th June.