Ascension Day How do we make sense of Ascension Day? In St. John’s gospel – Resurrection, Ascension and the Spirit at Pentecost – is seen and experienced as one reality. ”I will be with you always” was the promise of Jesus to his disciples. The ascension of Christ therefore is a mandate to all of us. It is the empowerment and inducement to us to go out and be witnesses to Christ in our community. There are many opportunities to impart the touch of God’s love and care to those we meet and those who are in need.. The words St.Teresa of Avila give us a sense of how we can make Jesus present to others as we live our lives. The challenge of Jesus is to make the difference..
Christ has no body now on earth but yours No hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christs compassion looks out on the world. Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. And yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Collection at all Masses this weekend Sat. 31st May and Sun. 1st June. If you have forgotten there is still time. The van which is located in the Church grounds will be there until after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday. The members of the Society tell us that it was a huge success last year.
Exams: Our prayers and good wishes to all beginning Exams on this Wednesday. The 10am Mass on the day will be offered for you all. May your efforts and hard work be blessed with success. Our Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy.
Youth 2000 Ireland youth day retreat in Colaiste Chriost Rí, Turner’s Cross on Sat.7th June from 10.30am to 6.30pm, inspirational talks, testimonies, prayer, music and more. An opportunity to find out what your faith is all about in a friendly, chilled out atmosphere. For young people aged 16-35. See <> or call 086 3049843
Ministers of the Eucharist and Word: can collect their rotas in the Sacristy for the coming weeks
Garden Fete: Next Sat. 7th June, The Friends of the Residents of St Finbarr’s Hospital are holding their annual Garden Fete, in the Hospital grounds on the Douglas Road between 1.30pm and 4.30pm. Garden Produce, Baking, Books, Toys, Bric a Brac and more in addition to Fast Food and Ice Cream vendors. Musical entertainment all afternoon. Cllr. Kieran McCarthy will conduct a historical walking tour of the Hospital. The Friends of the Residents would appreciate your support.
PEACE IN THE HOLY LAND: On next Saturday 7th June after the 6pm vigil Mass we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 7.30. to unite with Pope Francis and pray that his efforts to bring about unity, peace and justice in that part of the world will be blessed with success. During his visit to the Holy Land, the Holy Father spontaneously invited Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to come to the Vatican to pray for peace. They have accepted his invitation and will meet for prayer on Sunday afternoon June 8th.
First Friday: The sick and housebound will be visited with the sacraments on this Thursday & Friday. If you know of any Parishioner who is housebound and who would like to receive the Sacraments, please contact one of the priests.
Anointing of the Sick: after the 10am Mass next Saturday 7th June
Ordination: Our Diocese will rejoice next Saturday 7th June when Bishop John ordains Deacon Ben Hodnett to the Priesthood in the Cathedral. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ben and his family as he prepares for ordination.
Funeral Ministry: There will be a meeting of the Team in Fr. Kerry’s house on Tuesday 10th June at 8.30pm.
Cake Sale: The Parish Assembly will hold a cake sale on 7/8th June in the Parish Centre. Proceeds will fund assistance to the Colaiste Chriost Ri 2014 Ghana outreach programme. A group of students and teachers will be travelling to Ghana in October.