18th May 2014 – 5th Sunday of Easter (A)

The+whole+Church+is+a+priestly+people A PRIESTLY PEOPLE
In his farewell discourse at the Last Supper Jesus reveals something of his Father.  We are to have faith and trust in God’s love for us, trust in the welcome he has for each of  us. The very words Jesus speaks, he tells us, come from his Father, who lives in him.  Our first reading this weekend from the Acts of the Apostles tells of the appointment of deacons and of the distribution of roles within the early Church.  In the second reading from the first letter of St Peter we are told that we are “a royal priesthood, a people set apart.”   In our different roles we all share in the Priesthood of Christ, and we come together at Mass to offer a holy and living sacrifice to God.  In the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit gives us Jesus, and as we receive Holy Communion, Jesus gives us his Spirit.  This giving in utterly generous love is a reflection of the life of the Blessed Trinity in which we are invited to share.
Fr-Timothy-Radcliffe-OPBeing the Body of Christ
A talk by Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP for all in our diocese on this Sunday 18th May at 3:00pm  in Christ the King Church.   Fr Timothy is an internationally renowned author and speaker. His books include: “Why go to Church, What is the point of being a Christian”and “Taking the Plunge.” Recently Pope Francis invited him to Rome to talk to him personally about the Church today!  We are privileged to have him visit our Parish of Christ the King and our Diocese.

f7HjJ2doSbhvTXT8hav7wXO_mUmbn7OAvVG9tO6dYjOjCRNDE3zhL5y_WNZP-NU4eNqq=s151Funeral Ministry: Five parishioners who have generously given their time to train as members of our Parish Funeral Ministry Team will be commissioned at Masses this weekend.  This growth in Lay participation in the mission of the Church helps us prepare for the time when sufficient priests will not be available for all aspects of funeral ministry.

Thank You from the  Pastoral Development Office A sincere thank you for the collection last weekend for the Pastoral Development Office in the Diocese.  We look forward to meeting many of you over the coming year at our events, courses and conferences.

A Mass of Healing and Reconciliation, organised by the Safeguarding Service of Cork & Ross and the Munster Survivors Support Service, in St. Joseph’s Church, Wilton, on Sunday, May 25th at 4.00 pm. A national organisation, Towards Peace, will be launched at Wilton Parish Centre, Wilton, after the Mass, to offer spiritual support to those whose faith has been damaged by abuse and who wish to continue their search for meaning and for God.  People affected by abuse, either personally, through friends or a family member, are welcome.  Refreshments afterwards.

The Diocesan Safeguarding service wishes to thank people for their support and understanding around the completion of Garda vetting forms. We understand that for some this has caused feelings of hurt and distress, especially those who have been involved with parish activities for many years.  We are sorry if this has been the reaction of some. Being asked to apply for Garda Vetting should not be seen as a reflection on any individual.  Rather it is an important tool in our efforts to maintain the highest standard in the area of safeguarding in our Parishes.  The Diocese of Cork and Ross is committed to safeguarding and working with current legislation such as ‘Children First’, to ensure that our Church is a safe place for children.

Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at10.00 am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.
Pilgrimage to Knock 3rd to 5th June, departing Togher and Ballyphehane Churches. All in price € 220, accommodation at St Mary’s Convent, Knock.  Deposit € 60 to Sr. Annunciata, Presentation Convent, Ballyphehane before 20th May. Contact Maura at 086 8255288.

logoThe Society of St. Vincent de Paul:  Clothing Collection at all Masses next weekend 31st May and 1st June. Please bring unwanted clothes to our van located  in the Church grounds.   Thank you for your support.

St. James’s Cemetery  On Wed 18th June a Mass will be celebrated in St. James’s Cemetery, Chetwynd at 7.30 p.m.

WebBanners-youthpilgrimageSee Pope Francis in Rome Youth (16-35) Pilgrimage 26-30th Oct. (mid-term break). Special Student rate: details Treise 085 8588338 http://www.PresentationBrothers.org