Easter Sunday: Every Sunday we gather to recall that Christ rose from the dead and has given us new life, but today is special as it recalls the original Sunday. This is our great annual feast proclaiming that death has been conquered and our sins forgiven. This is the great day of Christian joy: Christ is risen. With renewed faith and hope this day, let the words of the opening prayer for the Mass of Easter become our prayer: Let us pray that the risen Christ will raise us up and renew our lives. – God our Father, by raising Christ your Son you conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. Let our celebration raise us up and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.
Parish Easter Mission Next Sunday 27th April (Divine Mercy Sunday) the Catholic World will rejoice when Pope Francis declares that Pope John XXIII & John Paul II are saints. (The ceremony will be on TV – RTE & Sky). It’s a great day to begin our Parish Mission. These two men have given us so much and have had such an impact on our world. Thanks to John XXIII many were won over by his simplicity of heart combined with a broad experience of people. He opened the windows and called the Second Vatican Council. John Paul II known and seen by so many when he came to visit us shortly after his election. He said “Open wide the doors to Christ: do not be afraid” “Young people of Ireland I love you”. On the opening night of our Mission with Fr. Adrian Crowley we will
celebrate and give thanks to God for these great men. The theme of our Mission will be the words of Pope Francis “The Joy of the Gospel” Like his predecessors he has brought new life to our Church. The days of our Mission will be a time of grace and blessing for us all. Fr. Adrian will be with us for all the Mass next weekend. The Mission begins on Sunday 27th April at 7.30pm and each day at 10am Mass and in the evening at 7.30pm. We hope you will join us. Take a leaflet as you leave and pray for the success of the Mission.
Happy Easter
Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish wish you – “A Happy Easter.”
Our prayer for you is that the Joy and Peace of the Risen Christ be with you this Easter. Our sincere thanks to all who helped with the Holy Week Ceremonies, The Parish Choir, Ministers of the Word & Eucharist, our Sacristan, Collectors, Altar Servers and those who care for the Church and decorate the Altars and those who put in place the lovely Easter Garden.
Easter Triduum Masses: will be celebrated on Easter Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. Cards available from the office after Masses.
Trocaire Boxes: Can be returned at the Mass during the week
Parish Funeral Ministry Team: Will meet in the Parish Center on Tuesday 29th April at 8.30pm (note change of date)
Divine Mercy: The novena continues until next Sunday 27th April The prayers will be said in the Church at the Shrine each day after the 10am Mass.
Easter Offering
The only collection this weekend Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday is for the support of our priests Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy.
Turners Cross Community Association A.G.M on Thurs. April 24th at 7:30 in Community Centre Curragh Road (next to Credit Union) All Welcome.
Easter Prayer
Praise to you Lord
for the empty tomb,
Praise to you Lord
for your return from the dead,
Praise to you Lord
for men and women redeemed,
Praise to you Lord
for a new world.
Risen Lord, friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly
day by day.
People with Parkinsons : To mark the Canonisation of Pope John Paul 11, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving and of Intercession for People with Parkinsons on Tuesday 29th April at 7.00 pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered. People with Parkinsons, their families, relatives and friends are especially welcome to attend this special Mass.