13th April 2014 – Palm Sunday & Holy Week

images2Palm Sunday                                                                                                          Confession after all Masses this weekend.  Pope Francis said recently “I encourage you  to discover anew the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and to avail  yourself more frequently of the transforming power of its grace.”   We have an opportunity to receive this sacrament today. At all the Masses a number of Priests will be available for confession

Holy Week Ceremonies
May the new light of Easter shine in our darkness and fill us with renewed hope. 
We hope that you can join us for the Holy Week and  Easter ceremonies as they are the most assuring and uplifting liturgical celebrations of the Church Year.

Trocaire Boxes:  Can be returned at the Mass on the Last Supper on Holy Thursday or during the week

 Adrian001The Parish Mission will begin on Sunday  27th  April to  30th  April,        Fr. Adrian Crowley   will be with us, He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin and has worked on overseas missions in Latin America & Africa. It  will be a time of  grace and blessing for us all. The theme of our Mission “The Joy of the Gospel”  echoing the title of Pope Francis best selling book The Joy of the Gospel.         On the opening night Sun 27th April we will be celebrating the joy of the canonization of Pope John  XXIII  and  Pope John Paul II.  The days of our Mission will be a time of grace and blessing for us all. We will be given a listening ear and God’s Blessing and Forgiveness. Pope Francis said recently “The Joy of the Gospel  fills the hearts of all who encounter Jesus. So regardless of past or current experiences of Church, God or Religion, we invite you to come as you are to the Mission. You will be made most welcome. By now all homes in the Parish should have received the Mission Programme and Mission Prayer. We ask you to pray for the success of the Mission

Permanent Diaconate  In April 2013 the Permanent Diaconate was introduced in the Diocese of Cork and Ross.   Permanent Deacons have recently been ordained in other Irish Dioceses.   In our diocese a number of candidates are presently undertaking the Introductory Year.  The next Introductory Year will commence in September 2014.  Those interested should contact their local priest or Fr. Bertie O’Mahony at Parochial House, Model Farm Road,. Tel: 4346940 / 0872519940.

Parish Funeral Ministry Team: Will meet in the Parish Center on  Tuesday 29th April at 8.30pm (note change of date)

Deaths:  We remember in our prayers    Ita O’Riordan,  Harold Barnes,  Maureen Buckley, Jane Stephens  & Fr. Dan Burns, retired parish priest of Clontead  who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to  their families

Easter Triduum of Masses:  Easter Sun., Mon, Tues.  Cards are available in Parish Office & Sacristy

holy-week-graphic-sqPALM SUNDAY  13th April  Masses 6 p.m. (Vigil)   10am,  12 noon
Penitential Rites   (Confessions) at all three Masses                                                             A number of Priests will be available for Confessions

Mon, Tues, Wed.  Mass  10am & 6pm   Confessions after Mass

images-3Thursday 17th April     HOLY THURSDAY   no morning Mass

Chrism Mass:    10am   Bishop Buckley concelebrates Mass in the  Cathedral  on this Thursday with the Priests of  the Diocese and  blesses the Holy Oils to be used in the  Parish   All  parishioners are welcome to attend this  Chrism Mass

6pm        Concelebrated   Mass of the Lord’s Supper  
Procession to Altar of Repose .   Bring  your Trocaire Box to this  Mass
 Quiet Holy Hour:   8.30 pm – 9.30 pm

images-2Friday 18th April     GOOD FRIDAY   no  Mass today
Day of Fast and Abstinence
12 noon        Stations of the Cross  
Confessions  after the Stations and Ceremonies
3 pm               Solemn celebration of the Passion  of Our Lord       
Reading of the Passion / Veneration of the Cross / Holy
Collection for the Holy Places  in the Holy Land
6pm                Stations of the Cross
8pm                Candlelit Prayer around the Cross   

images-419th April    HOLY SATURDAY no morning Mass
6pm  Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass of The Resurrection                                       Bring candle & holder to Vigil    Confessions  11.30am – 1.30 pm                             Collection for the Priests of the Parish  at Masses this weekend

 20th April  EASTER SUNDAY                                         
Masses:   10 am & 12 noon
Easter Triduum of Masses:  Easter  Sun., Mon., Tues.
Cards are available  in  Sacristy & Parish Office