LENT is a time for taking stock, for repentance and renewal. Should I give something up or should I do something for Lent or both (then comes the escape clause, the comforting thought that I wouldn’t want to lose the run of myself). The Ash Wednesday blessing with ashes brings us up short. There are two forms. The sombre: turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel, or the grim: remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return. Something of a reality check, a reminder that we are on a journey through life, and the journey will come to an end. We all face death, and need to know what is really important, to have healthy priorities such as family love and connectedness rather than individualism, generosity rather than self-centredness, living for others rather than for the self.
Our Christian and church-going community is at times impaired, divided. Sometimes we have sympathy with those who suffer, but sometimes we can be more focussed on religious niceties. When our focus is just on ourselves, we may be religious but in terms of religion we have lost the plot and have no real appreciation of the other-centred love implicit in God’s calling. There is no real relationship with Jesus outside community and solitary Christianity is a contradiction in terms. This Lent let’s pray for a renewed spirit of community and that we will recognise the sacred in the people around us, brothers and sisters for whom Christ died. Mass times during Lent 10am & 6pm each weekday
Anniversary: We remember Pope Francis in our prayers on Thursday 13th March the first Anniversary of his election as Bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter.
Prayer: Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, Pope Francis, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter, build your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday mornings in Lent after the 10.00 am Mass until 11.00 am.
Morning Prayer of the Church (office of Lauds) after 10.00 am Mass on Friday mornings in Lent. This lasts about ten minutes, leaflets will be available for everybody.
Evening Prayer of the Church (office of Vespers) after 6.00 pm Mass on Friday evenings in Lent. This lasts about ten minutes, leaflets will be available for everybody.
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes available at the back of the Church, “Everything that is shared is multiplied, only when we are able to share do we become truly rich.” (Pope Francis)
This weekend we welcome John Smith of the Trocaire Office, Maynooth, who will speak at our Masses.
Death: We extend our sympathies and prayers to the family of Paddy Joe O’Callaghan, Mercier Pk. May he rest in eternal peace.
Ministers of the Eucharist: Rotas can be collected in the Sacristy after Mass.
Parish Assembly: Meeting Monday 10th March at 8.00 pm in Parish Centre.
Pioneer Total Abstinence Association: A Lunch and Social for Pioneers and Friends will take place in The Ambassador Hotel, Military Hill on Sunday 23rd March at 1.30, cost 27.50. Everybody is welcome. For tickets contact Sorcha (086) 3642619.
Spring Dues: We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for their areas next weekend 15/16th March.
Lenten Talks: A series of three talks for the Season of Lent by Fr. Christy Fitzgerald PP, Diocesan Director of Liturgy, at Frankfield Parish Centre, 8 – 9.30pm on Tuesday evenings 18th and 25th March and 1st April. All are welcome and there is no admission charge.
St Joseph’s Young Priests Society monthly meeting in the Parish Center on Tuesday 11th March after the 10am Mass
Seachtaine na Gaeilge: The Turners Cross community association are holding a ceili in Bunscoil Chriost Ri Hall (girls) on Friday 14th March 7.00 to 8:30 pm. All welcome!!
Vocations: The Annual Cork and Ross Vocations Information Day will be held at St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre, Ennismore, Montenotte, on Saturday, 5th April, from 10.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This day allows prospective students to explore the possibility of a vocation, and make enquiries in an informal setting. It will also give those interested a chance to meet with some of the seminarians currently studying for the Diocese. Contact Fr Tom Deenihan, 021-4301717, or Canon Bertie O’Mahony, 021-4346940.
Lent is a time for polishing up basic Christian skills:
Prayer: on one’s own and with the family or a group.
Fasting: practising simplicity of lifestyle ;
Almsgiving: making with other Christians a real contribution to making the world a better place for all God’s children.