Presentation of the Lord
We light candles at Mass as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. Jesus is the light to the nations, as Simeon says in today’s gospel reading. This recalls the first and second songs of the servant in book of the prophet Isaiah, the servant who was to bring God’s salvation to the ends of the earth, a light to the nations. But the servant was also to endure suffering, to “pour out his soul to death, to bear the sins of many and intercede for transgressors.” Simeon says Jesus is a sign that will be rejected, and a sword will pierce Mary’s soul too. Pope Benedict XVI commented that Christ remains a sign of contradiction today, when God is seen as a limitation of our freedom. God’s love is resisted, even hated, when it challenges us to transcend ourselves, and when it offers us freedom from the prison of our self-absorption. Our redemption comes at a price, the pain of the cross. The light of hope and the cross belong together
Candlemas Day is celebrated this weekend. Some Beeswax candles (€1) are available. Candles will be blessed at the Masses this weekend. It’s always good to have a blessed candle in our homes
Feast of St Blaise – The traditional blessing of throats will take place on this Monday, February 3th after the 10am and 6pm Masses (note the extra Mass at 6pm).
Anointing of the Sick: This month the Anointing of the Sick will take place on Tues 11th February “World day of prayer for the Sick” Masses at 10am & 6pm (note extra Mass)
Confessions: Saturdays: after the 10am Mass & after Saturday Vigil Mass
Altar Servers: Can collect their Rotas in The Sacristy
Readers: can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacrist
New Parish Assembly: Members will meet for the third formation session on Monday 3rd February at 8pm in the Parish Centre
New Diocesan Directory: The 2014 edition of the Diocesan Directory in on sale in the Sacristy € 5
Death: We remember in our prayers Paddy McCarthy, St. Ann’s Pk We extend our sympathy to his family
Alzheimer Society meeting of the Saturday Club, Sat 8th Feb at Bessboro Day Care Centre. From 2pm-4pm. The Bradley Sisters will provide music. Refreshments provided. All Welcome information contact 021 4972504
South Parish Historical Society: Meeting Wed. 5th Feb. at 7.30pm. St John’s College, Sawmill St. Speaker Michael Lenihan – “Timeless Cork” illustrated. All welcome non-members 2
Beginning Experience is a specially designed Support Programme for people who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death , separation or divorce to work through the grief process, and to discover for themselves that merely “existing” in life can be transformed into “living” a new life, though a different one. The next weekend is being held in the Ennismore Retreat Centre from Friday April 4th to Sunday April 6th, Application Forms and further details please contact 087 9886480 or email
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Collection to be taken up at all Masses next weekend 8th/9th Feb. subsidises individuals whose health and/or means would otherwise prevent them from travelling to Lourdes. It also subsidises the travel of essential care personnel.
First Friday: Fr Kerry will visit the sick and housebound in his area of the parish on Tuesday 4th Feb.(note date) Fr. Billy Thurs. 6th & Fri. 7th, Feb. If you would like a visit please contact us.
Nemo Rangers H & F Club TABLE QUIZ . Friday 7th February at 8.00 pm Teams of 4 €40. Please support
We Made This: a community development initiative in conjunction with the Presentation Sisters, South Pres site on Evergreen St (Former Boys N.S. coloured window sills). Free 8 week courses as follows. Men’s Health & Well Being Thursday evenings 7.00 – 9.30; Managing Stress in our Daily Lives Tuesday evenings 7.00 – 9.30; Women’s Health & Well Being Wednesday mornings 10.30 – 1.00; Clay for Beginners Thursday evenings 7.00 – 9.30 (30 charge for materials can be spread out over the 8 weeks); Creative Expression Friday mornings 11.00 – 1.00 (single charge of 5 for materials). Information/ booking form from Norma Roche at 086-0236442.
Lourdes Novena, St Mary’s Church, Pope’s Quay. Saturday 8th – Sunday 16th February. Monday to Friday: 11.00 am & 7.30 pm. Saturdays: 11.00 am & 6.00 pm. Sundays: 4.00 pm.