Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Pope Francis urges continuous effort for Christian unity Last Friday Pope Francis recalled that St Paul asked the Christians at Corinth, marked by divisions: “is Christ divided?” and said today this question is asked of us. The question has been chosen as the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian unity, which runs from January 18th to 25th. Although some no longer recognize the full and visible unity of the church as achievable, we are invited to be faithful to what the Lord Jesus himself asked of the Father: “That they may all be one.”
Today we profess our faith in the context of a society and culture where reference to God, and everything that recalls the transcendent dimension of life, is less present. That is why our witness to Christ must concentrate upon the centre of our faith, upon the announcement of God’s love that is made visible in his Son. In this context we can grow in unity and communion with other Christians, taking part in what the Second Vatican Council calls “spiritual ecumenism,” which includes private and public prayer for the unity of Christians. Ecumenism is a spiritual process, carried out in faithful obedience to the Father, in fulfillment of Christ’s will, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis invites us to “call tirelessly upon the help of the grace of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit, bearer of reconciliation and communion, who leads us into full truth.”
Response after the Consecration at Mass: For the coming year the response will be. Priest: The Mystery of Faith. People: My Lord and my God.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Maire Bean Uí Aodha (formerly of Christ King Girls Primary School.) Kitty Good, Doyle Rd. We extend our sympathy to their families
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 18th/19th January. This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives, The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of over €300,000.
Confessions: Saturdays: after the 10am Mass & after Saturday Vigil Mass
Asylum Seekers and Us Tue. 21st Jan. 8 – 9.30pm The Crypt, Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Dennehy’s Cross/ All are invited to participate in a Discussion on “Asylum Seekers and Us”. Short presentations will be made by a number of people who have firsthand personal experience, followed by a general discussion.
Thank You: Trocaire have written to thank you for your generous contribution of €927 towards Trocaire Christmas Gifts. Our thanks also to the members of the Parish Assembly who organised the sale of cards
“Do this in Memory”:
the next Mass will be next Sunday 26th Jan. at 10am, Meeting of parent class representatives on this Mon. 20th Jan. at 7.30pm in Fr. Kerry’s house.
Alpha Our second Turner’s Cross Parish Alpha begins on Wednesday February 12th, and provides an opportunity to explore the faith in a friendly environment. It continues in the Parish Centre each Wednesday evening from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm for ten weeks. A talk is followed by a tea/coffee break and then we divide into small discussion groups. Alpha is for everyone; no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish. I attended my first Alpha with some reluctance, but found to my surprise that it was friendly and enjoyable. It explored the faith in a “non-Churchy” and adult way. We don’t assume any background knowledge or belief and everyone is welcome. You don’t have to come to the whole course – just pop along for the first night and see what you think. Fr. Billy
Lourdes 2014: Young Adults – We are inviting young adults 18-35 to come to Lourdes with the Diocese in our “Come and see and be a helping hand” programme. They will assist with the sick who will travel with the Diocese and be involved in the full pilgrimage programme as well as time for prayer, for making new friends and sharing in the story of Lourdes. For more details/to book a place contact: Sr Karen 021 4537601. or one of the Priests of the Parish.