29th December 2013 – Feast of the Holy Family

           Feast of the Holy Family
On this Feast of the Holy Family it is appropriate to recall something Pope Francis said on the 27th October last (Family Day).

“Dear families, you know very well that the true joy which we experience in the family is not superficial; it does not come from material objects, from the fact that everything seems to be going well… True joy comes from a profound harmony between family members, something which we all feel in our hearts and which makes us experience the beauty of togetherness, of mutual support along life’s journey. But the basis of this feeling of deep joy is the presence of God in the family and his love, which is welcoming, merciful, and respectful towards all. God alone knows how to create harmony from differences. But if God’s love is lacking, the family loses its harmony, self-centredness prevails and joy fades. But the family which experiences the joy of faith communicates it naturally. That family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society.”   We pray that we may all live our family life in faith and simplicity, like the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Death:  We remember in our prayers Bro de Sales Burke, Presentation Brothers, Maiville and extend our prayers and sympathy to his family and community.

Anointing of Sick   Sat  4th January after 10am Mass.

Thank You
In our Parish of Christ the King, there are many families and individuals who live the faith they profess and whose contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their quiet and unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched.

Parish Assembly: Today special thanks and congratulations are due to the members of our 2011 – 2013 Parish Assembly.  Growth in their own faith and in the overall level of faith in the parish is evidenced by their work over the past three years, including the Annual Remembrance Mass, Parenting courses, Pilgrimages to Ballygriffin  and to Gougane Barra, the  Stations of the Cross on Good Fridays, Trocaire Christmas Global Gifts, evenings of prayer for vocations and celebration of vocations from this area, Evening Prayer of the Church in May and Advent, coffee mornings and cake & book sales in aid of the Lourdes Youth Bursary, Parish Retreats, Short Scriptural courses, the Alpha Course and many other activities which they organised and facilitated.
thank_you_060Those who help in the Church and Parish:  We offer our special thanks also to those who care for the Church and clean it every week, look after the flowers and altar linens, to the Choir, to Ministers of Word and Eucharist,  to Altar Servers and their parents.  We thank the Church Collectors, Sacristan, Caretaker, Parish Dues Collectors, those who care for the sick and elderly. Thanks are also due to St Vincent de Paul Society, St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. Legion of Mary, the Prayer Group,  the Parish Baptismal Teams, our Child Protection Representatives. We thank those who put up the Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully.    We thank you for your generosity in the offertory collection each week for the upkeep of the Church and payment of staff. Our thanks to the Parish Finance Committee and to Sr. Karen Kent and Fr. Charlie from the Pastoral Development Office who have been so helpful.

Contributions: We thank all who contributed so generously during 2013 to Trocaire Christmas Gift Cards, to the Trocaire Lenten Campaign, the Lourdes Fund,  and to our collections for the Episcopal Commission, the Holy Places, Pastoral Planning, the Pope’s Collection, the Education Fund, Marriage Care and  the Mission Sunday collection.

Christmas: It has been a lovely Christmas, there were great crowds and a great atmosphere during the Advent and Christmas Liturgies. The joyful preparation, anticipation, participation, celebration and sense of community were inspiring, we thank all who participated.  Thank you for your Christmas wishes and generous Christmas offerings. 

imagesNew Year: We pray for God’s blessing on those who are considering membership of the 2014 – 2015 Parish Assembly, and as we begin the New Year we pray that 2014 will bring many blessings to our parish.
Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy