Pope Francis on Confession What’s on offer in the Sacrament of Reconciliation is God’s great love for us, His mercy and forgiveness. Pope Francis said he goes to Confession every two weeks, He said “Priests, too, need confession, even bishops. We are all sinners. knowing that God never tires of forgiving those who repent, but also knowing that having a priest say “I absolve you” reinforces belief in God’s mercy. We all need this.” Pope Francis said he knows some people are embarrassed to confess their sins to a priest, but it is the best path to spiritual healing and health. Through the presence and words of a priest, Pope Francis said , penitents have “the certainty of forgiveness in the name of the church.” True preparation for this Sacrament involves taking stock of the overall pattern of my behaviour, my attitudes, and trying to identify what’s holding me back from living a wholly integrated life with others and with God.
Confessions: This weekend a number of priests will be with us for confessions after all the Masses Monday after the 10am Mass. Christmas Eve after 10am Mass and 11.30am to 12.30
4th Sunday of Advent
Today we celebrate the fourth Sunday of advent and light the fourth candle. The symbols for the jesse tree this week are a Lily flower reminding us of Mary our mother and her strength in accepting an uncertain future which gives courage to us all. The symbol of Elizabeth with the baby John the Baptist, Mary visiting Elizabeth reminds us of the Gods presence in our lives in other people. The pencil and tablet reminds us of when Zechariah named John the Baptist and immediately was blessed by god with the gift of speech again. The star reminds us of the magi and how they were lead by a star to the baby Jesus recognising Gods presence in humble settings.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Wish to thank all who support the Society during the year and especially those who contributed to their Christmas Collection of €3,565 and for the many gifts that were brought to the Santa Tree and are being distributed to those in need. Many thanks and a very peaceful and happy Christmas.
Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards are available after Masses in the Parish Office. The Triduum of Masses will be offered on the 23/24/25 Dec.
Christmas Mass Times: Christmas Eve: 6pm & 10pm. Christmas Day: 9am, 10am 12noon (note extra Mass at 9am)
Support of the Priests of the Parish The collection on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is for the support of the priests of the Parish. There will be only one collection at each Mass.
Christmas gifts with a difference. You can purchase one of the Trocaire gifts and get the card to sent or give to a friend. They are available at the back of the Church after Mass today. This Christmas change someone’s world for the better with a Trócaire Gift.
Death: Our prayers & sympathy to the family of Margaret O’Sullivan, Doyle Rd. who died recently. May she be at peace with God.
Thank You: our thanks to all who handed in plants to decorate the Sanctuary
Synod questionnaire on the Family: Don’t forget to fill out your questionnaire and return before the 4th January