8th December 2013 – 2nd Sunday of Advent (A)

PSF-2TSynod Survey: Pope Francis has called a Synod of Bishops next year to discuss Pastoral Challenges to the Family.   A series of questions has been issued to help in the preparation for the Synod and Bishop Buckley wishes these to be discussed at Parish level.   The questions deal with such matters as the nature of marriage, the pastoral response to difficult situations and the degree to which church teaching on marriage and family is known and understood.  In conjunction with the Parish Pastoral Assembly we are preparing a consultation process to be completed over the next month.   A response from the Parish is to be submitted by the 9th January, 2014.

John-The-Baptist-Painting2nd Sunday of Advent       John the Baptist  “Prepare a way for the Lord”
Today we celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent we light the Second Candle.on our Advent Wreath.   The symbols for the Jjesse tree this week are a crown which reminds us that by baptism we are anointed by God just as King David was. The Passover which reminds us of freedom when God rescued  the Israelites from slavery. The burning bush reminds us of trust that God will help us in all that we do. Joseph’s coat reminds us to control our jealousy and to be happy for others in their successes. The Ten Commandments are the guide lines that God gave Moses and us to live good lives

Christmas Party: Turner’s Cross Senion Citizens   Sun. 15th Dec. at 3.30pm Names of those attending must be handed in by Wed. 12th Dec.

imagesThe Feast of Immaculate Conception:  Because the Feast is  falling on the 2nd Sunday of Advent it will be Celebrated this year on this Mon. 9th Dec.  It will not be a Holy Day of  Obligation  but we will have Masses at 10am & 6pm.

Alzheimer Society  meeting of the Saturday Club, Sat. 14th Dec. at Bessboro Day Care Centre.   From 2pm – 4pm.  A celebration of Christmas Carol’s with The Monkstown Chamber Choir. Light refreshments Free Admission. All Welcome Information 4972504

Handel’s Messiah: SS Peter & Paul’s Cork City Sat.21st Dec. at 8pm  In aid of Church Organ Restoration Fund.   With Soloists, Choir and full Ochestra  Tickets  €20/€15. Full details on Church Notice Board

Walk With Me Booklet: Copies of this excellent booklet are available after Mass at the back of the Church (Cost €1.30). A journey of prayer for Advent & Christmastide.

Like other years would you like to donate a Red Poinsettia Pot Plant  to decorate the altar for Christmas

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Monthly meeting in the Parish Centre this Tues. 10th Dec. after the 10am Mass.

Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards are available after Masses   in the Parish Office.  The Triduum of Masses will be offered  on the 23/24/25 Dec.

Christmas  Masses:  Christmas Eve: 6pm & 10pm.  Christmas Day: 9am, 10am  12noon (note extra Mass at 9am)

Penitential Rites: (Confessions)  at all the Masses on 21st & 22nd December
Give yourself a gift of Peace this Advent
On the Wednesdays of Advent there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 11am.

“Do this in Memory”: the next Mass will be Sun. 15thth Dec. Giving Sunday at 10am,  Meeting of parent class representatives  on this this Mon. at 7.30pm in Fr. Billy’s house.

Traditionally next Sunday 15th Dec. is Giving Sunday – when Santa will help our local St. Vincent de Paul Society.  Our Santa’s Giving Tree will be in place.  This year instead of giving toys, we request non-perishable foods.  With the economic situation that exists, such foods will be a welcome addition to many families that are struggling at present. If you would like to bring any of the following items – tea, coffee, sugar, Tayto, chocolates, selection boxes, biscuits, soup, place them at the Santa Tree (no toys). The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will collect them after the Masses – they are so good in helping those in need.

Christmas gifts with a difference. : Last year there was a very good response to the Gift with a difference. You can purchase one of the Trocaire gifts  and get the card to sent or give to a friend. They are available at the back of the Church from members of the Parish Assembly after Mass today.  This Christmas change someone’s world for the better with a Trócaire Gift.

Remembrance Tree: If you are in the city between now and Christmas you are invited to remember your loved ones with a ribbon on the Remembrance Tree. The Tree is on Patrick’s Street  You can write your message on yellow ribbons which will be placed on the tree.  While donations are not necessary, all funds that are received will go to Marymount Hospice, COPE Foundation and Rotary charities.   The project  is run by the Rotary Clubs.

220px-Nelson_Mandela-2008_(edit)Death:  We remember the great Nelson Mandela who has died. We have lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this Earth ” He said  “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”