1st December 2013 – 1st Sunday of Advent (A)


advent-footer2-micro2This weekend marks the beginning of the Church’s year and the beginning of the season of Advent as we prepare to welcome the Christ Child at Christmas.  We look forward to the celebration of God made man, of Word made flesh, of Emmanuel, God-with-us. Jesus tells us in today’s gospel to be ready for his coming and  St Paul tells us that the Day of the Lord is near at hand.  This is an opportune time for new beginnings as we prepare for Christmas and renew our commitment to a life of Christian service to others, a time to put off the works of selfishness and enter into the joy of the Lord.  Advent events in this parish include:

Advent Evening of Prayer and Reflection for Parishioners and all those who serve in our Parish.  Thurs. 5th Dec. at 7.30pm.  St. Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel with Fr. Ray Riordan.    All are very welcome.

Walk With Me Booklet: Copies of this excellent booklet are available after Mass at the back of the Church (Cost €1.30). A journey of prayer for Advent & Christmastide.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for Wednesdays of Advent after 10am Mass.

jesse-treeThe Jesse Tree and Advent Wreath are in the sanctuary, symbols to remind us of the journey through history to the birth of Jesus. On each of the Sundays of Advent a volunteer will place symbols of this journey on the tree at the beginning of Mass.  Today we have the sun, star and moon symbols reminding us of the birth of creation.   The first candle is lit on the Advent Wreath

Parish Christmas Cards will be on sale in Parish Office during the week.

Trocaire Christmas Gift Cards will available next weekend.

Trocaire Collection for Syria and to the Philippines.  Our thanks and congratulations to all who contributed to the special exit collection last weekend, raising € 5,783.

First Friday:  On Thursday & Friday of this week Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy will visit the sick & the housebound at the usual times.

Anointing of Sick   Sat  7th Dec after 10am Mass

Ministers of the Word can collect their Rota and Book of Readings for the coming year in the Sacristy after Mass.

GOSPEL OF MARK  Our occasional series of  Biblical reflections continues with talks on St Mark’s Gospel in the Parish Centre, on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm, all welcome.

Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: Applications being accepted for two-year distance learning programme in Cork with Maryvale Institute.  Details/application forms from Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.

Parish Assembly:  The new Assembly for 2014 to 2016 is being formed.  Please consider whether you would like to serve for a three year term, postal nominations must be returned by 8th December.

joy of the gospelPope Francis has issued a special letter to the Church called an Apostolic Exhortation, the title of which is Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel). In it he exhorts the Church to joyfully share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all humanity not only in the way we speak and present ourselves to the world, but also in the way we act with a special care for the poor and marginalised. He says “The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.”

Colaiste Chriost Ri Cake Sale and Raffle this weekend in the Parish Centre after Masses.  Please support.

Christmas Charity Fair in aid of The Ethiopian Deaf Project Sunday 8th December at Ballyphehane Community Centre 12.30 pm to 5.30 pm.  A fun filled family day, free face painting, Santa arriving at 1 o’clock, admission free.

Deaths:  We remember in our prayers Pauline Ryan, St Patrick’s Rd, Frank O’Neill, Mt Pleasant Ave, Susan Warner late of Turner’s Cross and Denis Cremin, Friars’ Rd, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.

JMOC_1-1Prof Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, Dominican priest and biblical scholar, 1935 – 2013.  In recent weeks we prayed for Fr Kerry’s brother, Fr Jerome Murphy O’Connor, OP (Jim to his family), who died in his beloved Jerusalem on 11th November.  Fr Jerome was an internationally recognised biblical scholar of the first rank, and one of the most prominent members of his Dominican Order.  He was Professor on New Testament in the Ecole Biblique where he lectured since 1967.  A recipient of high academic honours and an author of 19 books and over 200 scholarly articles, he remained an affable and modest man.
We were fortunate indeed to have heard Fr Jerome speak on biblical topics in Turner’s Cross Church on a number of occasions in recent years.  We again express our sympathy to the Murphy O’Connor family on their great loss. ­- Fr Billy