Following Jesus is not a matter of public demonstration, waving of hands or chanting his name, but of entering into his kingdom of service, justice and generous love. We share the kingship of the Servant King when we are prepared to wash the feet of the least of the brothers and sisters, to learn from the one who is humble and gentle of heart, to reach out to those in need, the poor, the sick, the old, the lonely, to those who seem undeserving and unlovable. The leaders in Jerusalem and the soldiers mocked the kingship of Jesus on the cross, using the word king with derision, and Pilot’s notice on the cross, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” was intended as a mocking warning. And yet the salvation of the world, of all peoples of all times, comes from the helpless man on the cross. And Jesus, dying for the whole world, focussed on the individual who called to him: “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” The reply can be for all of us, personally: “this day you will be with me in paradise.”
Songs of Faith – a celebration of teen talent and Christian faith. A warm welcome awaits all parishioners on this Sunday 24th November at 5pm in Christ the King Church, Turner’s Cross as we mark the closing of the Year of Faith by joining with our young people as they sing their songs of faith. Teenagers from 9 schools/15parishes from across the city & suburbs will be joined by Dan Twomey, tenor; Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann and members of the Cork Symphony Orchestra. There is no charge – all are welcome!
NOMINATIONS FOR NEW PARISH ASSEMBLY: Completed Nomination Papers may be placed in the nomination boxes in the church before or after Mass this weekend. Nominations may also be submitted by post to arrive not later than 8th December. Please consider whether you would like to serve for a three year term on our Parish Pastoral Assembly.
GOSPEL OF MARK Our occasional series of Biblical reflections continues with talks on St Mark’s Gospel in the Parish Centre, Turner’s Cross on Tuesday evenings up to 17th December, start time 7.30pm. These will include presentation of material by Fr Billy O’Sullivan followed by tea and small group discussion, all are welcome.
Advent Evening of Prayer and Reflection for Parishioners and all those who serve in our Parish. Thurs. 5th Dec. at 7.30pm. St. Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel with Fr. Ray Riordan.
Trocaire Collection for Syria and to the Philippines. A special exit collection will be taken up all Masses this weekend, 23rd/24th November. The Trustees of Trócaire have agreed that the planned special church collection for Syria should be shared with the Philippines, given the enormous tragedy that has befallen that country.
Death: We remember in our prayers Eily Murphy, Fr Matthew Rd, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to her family.
Cork Alzheimer’s Cafe – For people with memory problems including Alzheimer’s and other dementias, their carers, family & friends; social and health professionals to meet. Last Friday of each month, 1.00 pm – 3.30pm. Activity Centre, St Finbarr’s Hospital, Light refreshments provided free of charge. All welcome. Next meeting Friday 29th Nov.
Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: Applications being accepted for two-year distance learning programme in Cork with Maryvale Institute. Details/application forms from Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.
Viatores Christi: Viatores Christi lay missionary association is currently recruiting and will hold an information and recruitment session on Sat. 30th Nov. at 11.30am in the Metropole Gresham Hotel, MacCurtain Street, Cork Tel. 01-868 9986 <>
Colaiste Chriost Ri Cake Sale and Raffle on Sat. Nov.30th & Sun. 1st Dec in the Parish Centre Turner’s Cross after the Masses. Please support.
Lourdes 2014, Young Adults: For the fourth year we are inviting young adults 18-35 to come to Lourdes within the diocese in our “Come and see and be a helping hand” programme. They will assist with the sick who travel with the diocese and be involved in the full pilgrimage programme as well as time for prayer, for making new friends and sharing in the story of Lourdes. For more details/to book a place contact: Sr Karen 021 4537601