6th October 2013 – 27th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

Pope-Francis-kisses-a-baby-in-St-Peter-s-Square-Rome_mediumDay for Life“Care for Life: It is worth It”
The Day for Life is celebrated annually by the Catholic Church. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the dignity of life from conception to natural death. We celebrate the  Day for Life this Sunday 6 October and  focus on the theme: Caring for Life. This year’s message begins with the words of Pope Francis,  He spoke simply and beautifully about what promoting a culture of life really means:  “Jesus teaches us to care for life because it is the image of God, who is absolute life. We cannot announce anything else but life, and from the beginning to the end. All of us must care for life, cherish life, with tenderness, warmth……..to give life is to open (our) hearts for others…… Caring for life from the beginning to the end. What a simple thing, what a beautiful thing….So, go forth and don’t be discouraged. Care for life. It’s worth it! ”
Day for Life 2013   places particular focus on:                                                               • Care for unborn children and their mothers                                                                       • Care for people who are elderly                                                                                        • Care for those who are suicidal and their families
Copies of the Pastoral Letter are available at the back of the Church

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society  AGM  in the Parish Centre  on next Tues. 8th Oct in the Parish Centre. Mass at 7.30pm all welcome.

Ministers of the Eucharist and Word can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Autumn Dues:  We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the Parish Calendars and  envelopes for the Autumn Dues this weekend 5/6th Oct.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Stella Buckley, Mercier Park.  John Power  and Seamus Branagh who died recently we extend our sympathy to their families.

Alzheimer Society  meeting of the Saturday Club 12th Oct. at Bessboro Day Care Centre.  From 2pm until 4pm.  All Welcome  For further information contact 021 4972504
Support Meeting will take place on Wed. the 9th of Oct. from 3pm to 4.30pm in Bessboro.

conallKeeping alive the flame of faith in the Parish  Is our Diocesan seminar for the Year of Faith when Fr Conall O Cuinn SJ will be our speaker. All parishioners are invited to come to this afternoon on Sat. 19th Oct. from 1:30 – 5:30pm at Rochestown Park Hotel – cost €20 per person (Parish will subsidies each person €10).   Booking is essential. Booking forms in Sacristy and from Sr. Karen  021 4537601  Fr. Conall uses multi media, film clips and story to open up the topic and will then invite all present into round table discussions on the theme.  It promises to be an inspiring and energising presentation to assist us all in passing on the faith to others.  We recommend this Seminar to Parishioners.

 Creativity  Course combining creative writing, art, drama, and crafts , beginning  soon on a Tues. 10am to 11.30am at Turners Cross community Centre,(next to credit union) Duration 8 weeks, cost € 25 Contact 087 9897895 (Phil O Regan)

p009_0_05_016TeenSpirit Choir – Teenagers(14-17) are invited to join the TeenSpirit Choir – everyone welcome. The first meeting of the choir was a resounding success, with teenagers from city parishes having a day of song and fun! The next rehearsal will be Sat., 12th of  October at 11am until 2pm in Turners Cross Parish Hall. Sacred, contemporary and classical music to celebrate the Year of Faith in our diocese. See  www.teenspirit.ie  Enrollment forms in second level schools or from Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul Annual Flag Day Collection.  Volunteer collectors for an hour or two on the 11th & 12th October urgently needed. Contact Anne McKernan at 021 4270444 or email annemk@svpcork.ie

anthony-childThe Relic of St. Anthony of Padua will be in Cork on 20th Oct. it will spend the day at Holy Trinity Church Fr. Matthew Quay. The schedule for Cork is 11am Procession followed by Mass celebrated by Bishop Buckley at 12:30pm  Veneration from 1:30pm to 8.30pm. The relics are coming from Padua and will be accompanied by Fr Mario  Conte, OFM Conv,

Nemo Rangers

                                                                                                  County Final: Nemo Rangers will play Castlehaven in the Cork County Senior Football Championship Final on  next Sunday October 13th at 3:45pm in Pairc Ui Chaoimh

Important Dates  2014: First Confessions, Tuesday 4th March; Confirmations, Friday 11th April; First Holy Communions, Saturday 10th May.