29th Sept. 2013 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

pf005Helping the Poor. As we think of Lazarus, the poor man in today’s gospel parable, we remember Pope Francis’ call for solidarity with the neediest in society.  This solidarity is not merely providing welfare, or giving alms to sooth our own conscience. That can be a transaction, the Pope says, but “it’s not love. Love is free.”  We pray for a true solidarity with our bothers and sisters who suffer and who are in need

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick after the 10.00 am Mass Saturday October 5th.  For those with life-threatening illnesses, including serious chronic health conditions, mental illness, advanced age, or who are facing surgery. For help with transport phone Clare at 4361056.

First Friday:  On Thursday & Friday of this week Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy will visit the sick & the housebound at the usual times.

 First Holy Communion Enrolment this weekend at the 10am Mass. We welcome the parents and the girls and boys of 2nd class in Bunscoil Chríost Rí enrolling for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion – we pray for them and their parents as they make this important commitment.                                                              “Do this in Memory Programme”  see on notice section of our website.

Important Dates  2014:     First Confessions, Tuesday 4th March; Confirmations, Friday 11th April; First Holy Communions, Saturday 10th May.

Ministers of the Word: can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: Information sessions on Wed. 2nd Oct. 2.30pm to 4pm or 8pm to 9.30pm at the Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock.

Autumn-view-Gougane-BarraTurner’s Cross Parish Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra for the Year of Faith this Sun. 29th Sept. Bus will leave Bunscoil Chriost Ri at 12.30pm sharp, returning at 6.30pm approx.  

Seminar for Year of Faith for clergy and laity on Sat. 19th Oct. at Rochestown Park Hotel from 1.30 to 5.30 pm.  Subsidised cost through the parish is €10 – booking forms are available in the Sacristy. We recommend this Seminar to Parishioners.

Autumn Dues:  We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Autumn Dues next weekend 5/6th Oct.

Death: We remember in our prayers Nelly Warren, Fr. Matthew Rd. who died recently we extend our sympathy to her family.

Beginning Experience  Support Programme for people who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death or separation to work through the grief process, and discover that merely “existing” can be transformed into “living” a new life, though a different one. Weekend at Ennismore Retreat Centre Fri. Oct. 4th to Sun. Oct. 6th. For Application Forms and further details contact 087 9886480 or email  beginningexperience@gmail.com

p009_0_05_03 Teenagers (14-17) invited to join the TeenSpirit choir – everyone welcome. Commitment to regular rehearsals between 28 September and the concert in Christ the King Church on 24 November. Sacred, contemporary and classical music to celebrate the Year of Faith in our diocese. See  www.teenspirit.ie  Enrolment forms in second level schools or from Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.

Concert for Edith Wilkins Street Children Charity: Church of the Incarnation, Frankfield, at 8pm Sunday, 29th September.  Liam Lawton will be joined by the City of Cork Male Voice Choir. Tickets at €20 available at the Church, please come early.

Westgate Foundation, Ballincollig: Open day Sat the 5th October from 2pm to 5pm. Day care facilities, active retirement club, and educational classes for older members of the community.  Refreshments on the day and also activities for children.

Ennismore Retreat Centre: Centering Prayer – 6 Monday evenings beginning 30th September at 7.30p.m. Contact 021 4502520 or Ennismore@eircom.net

The Society of St Vincent de Paul Annual Flag Day Collection.  Volunteer collectors for an hour or two on the 11th & 12th October urgently needed. Contact Anne McKernan at 021 4270444 or email annemk@svpcork.ie

 The Alzheimer Society Support Meeting will take place on Wednesday the 9th of Oct. from 3pm to 4.30pm in our Day Care Centre in Bessboro, Blackrock.  Dues Envelopes to be collected

anthony-childThe Relic of St. Ahthony of Padua will be in Cork on 20th Oct. it will spend the day at Holy Trinity Church Fr. Matthew Quay. The schedule for Cork is 11am Procession followed by Mass celebrated by Bishop Buckley at 12:30pm  Veneration from 1:30pm to 8.30pm. The relics are coming from Padua and will be accompanied by Fr Mario  Conte, OFM Conv,

Cork South Parish Historical Society  Monthly Meeting on Wed. 2nd Oct.  at 7:30 p.m. in St John’s College  Sawmill St.  Guest Speaker  Jim Fahy  will speak on   We built this City:   The History of Stone Masonry in Cork   All Welcome   Non-members €2