22nd September 2013 – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

 Pope Francis: The Church sometimes has locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules. The most important thing is the first proclamation: Jesus Christ has saved you! … Instead of being just a church that welcomes and receives by keeping the doors open, let us try also to be a church that finds new roads, that is able to step outside itself and go to those who do not attend Mass, to those who have quit or are indifferent” (Vatican Information Service, 20th September, 2013).

The annual collection for the Education of Students to Priesthood takes place this weekend  21st/22nd. Sept. The Diocese has six seminarians in Maynooth and Rome and six men are commencing a preparation year for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese.   The overall cost in the coming year will reach €168,000, and this collection is the principal source of funding. Your support is very much appreciated.

Turner’s Cross Parish Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra for the Year of Faith Sun. 29th Sept. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop John Buckley at 2.30pm.  Archbishop Dermot Clifford will preach the Homily.  Bus will leave Bunscoil Chriost Ri at 12.30pm sharp, returning at 6.30pm approx.  Fare: €10 per person (bring a snack). A few seats are still available.

Seminar for Year of Faith for clergy and laity on Sat. 19th Oct. at Rochestown Park Hotel from 1.30 to 5.30 pm.  Fr Conall O’Cuinn SJ  will open the message of faith using multi-media presentations, leading to open round table discussions. His intention is to bring alive the flame of faith and help us to reach out in faith to others. The subsidised cost through the parish is €10 – booking forms are available in the Sacristy. We recommend this Seminar to Parishioners.

Teenagers (14-17) invited to join the TeenSpirit Choir – everyone welcome who loves to sing. The commitment is to attend regular rehearsals between 28 September and the concert on the 24 November which will take place in Christ the King parish, Turner’s Cross. The choir will sing sacred, contemporary and classical music to celebrate the Year of Faith in our diocese. See more at www.teenspirit.ie <http://www.teenspirit.ie/>   Enrolment forms available in second level schools or from Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Owen O’Sullivan, Greenhills Estate and  Canon Diarmuid Linehan, formerly Parish Priest of Clogheen, who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to their families

Coffee Morning for parents of young children starting school in the Parish Centre after 10am Mass on Mon. 23rd Sept.

Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: A two year distance learning course offered by the Maryvale Institute of Higher Religious Sciences from Jan. 2014 in partnership with the Pastoral Development Office.   The course consists of four study days per year held in Cork and personal study. Information sessions: Wed. 2nd Oct. 2.30pm to 4pm or 8pm to 9.30pm at the Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock.   Details from Sr. Karen at 021-4537601.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be offered after the 10.00 am Mass on Saturday October 5th.  All who have attained the age of reason and who suffer with life-threatening illnesses, including serious chronic health conditions, mental illness, advanced age, or who are facing major surgery are all eligible to receive this sacrament.  The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is always available on an individual basis.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul Annual Flag Day Collection.  The Society is urgently looking for volunteer collectors willing to give an hour or two of their time on the 11th & 12th October 2013 for this very important source of funds. Contact Anne McKernan at 021 4270444 or email annemk@svpcork.ie

Concert for Edith Wilkins street children charity: Church of the Incarnation, Frankfield, at 8pm Sunday, 29th September.  Liam Lawton will be joined by the City of Cork Male Voice Choir. Tickets at €20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street and Frankfield Church. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the charity established by Crosshaven based nurse Edith Wilkins, a Third World worker for 30 years.

All Ireland Hurling Final: To facilitate those who will want to watch the replay on television, there will be an extra Vigil Mass at 8.00 pm on Saturday 28th September, in addition to the usual 6.00 pm Mass