The annual collection for the Education of Students to the Priesthood This Collection will take place on next weekend 21st/22nd. Sept.
Fortunately, the Diocese has been blessed with a reasonable number of students in recent years. After one Ordination this June, we now have four seminarians in Maynooth and a further two at the Irish College in Rome. These six students are at various stages of their training and one is due to be ordained to the Priesthood next year and another to the Diaconate. While we are delighted that we have so many students, it must also be remembered that the cost of educating each student can be as much as €28,000 per year. We expect the Education of Clerical students this year to reach €156,000
This September the Diocese is also fortunate in that six men are commencing a preparation year for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese. The cost of this venture will be €12,000, with an increased amount in future years, should these candidates continue. Overall then, the costs from this account in the coming year will reach over €168,000.
This collection is the principal source of funding for the education of our clerical students. Your support for this cause would be very much appreciated .
Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass on Thursday 19th Sept. Please support
Turner’s Cross Parish Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra to mark the Year of Faith Sun. 29th Sept. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop John Buckley at 2.30pm. Archbishop Dermot Clifford will preach the Homily. Bus will leave Bunscoil Chriost Ri at 12.30pm sharp. Returning at 6.30pm approx. Fare: €10 per person. Bring a Snack
Money, names and telephone numbers will be collected by Parish Assembly members at exit doors this weekend or alternatively may be handed in to the Sacristy up to Friday, 20th Sept.
Ministers of Word, Eucharist & Baptismal Team: We would like to increase the number of ministers in each of these ministries . Training for Baptismal teams will begin on the 9th Oct. in Turner’s Cross Parish Centre
Seminar for Year of Faith: A diocesan seminar for the Year of Faith for clergy and laity will take place on Sat. 19th Oct . at Rochestown Park Hotel from 1.30 to 5.30 pm. All are welcome. The speaker will be Fr Conall O’Cuinn SJ. His expertise lies in breaking open the message of faith using a variety of multi-media presentations. His input will lead to open round table discussions throughout the afternoon. His intention is to bring alive the flame of faith and help us to reach out in faith to others. Registration is from 12:45pm, the subsidised cost through the parish is €10 per person, booking is essential – booking forms are available in the Sacristy. We recommend this Seminar to Parishioners.
Deerpark CBS will hold its Open Night on Thur. 19 Sept. from 7-9pm. Prospective students in sixth and fifth class are invited to attend along with their parents/guardians.
Teenagers (14-17) invited to enroll for TeenSpirit in the City
An invitation to teenagers to join our TeenSpirit choir in preparation for our concert to close the Year of Faith – everyone welcome who loves to sing. We will form a choir to sing sacred, contemporary and classical music to celebrate the Year of Faith in our diocese. See more at The commitment asked is to attend regular rehearsals between 28 September and the concert on the 24 November which will take place in Christ the King parish, Turner’s Cross. Enrolment to the choir is open now – forms available in all second level schools or from Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601
RCIA Training: Six Tues Beginning 17th September The Crypt, Church of the Holy Spirit, Dennehy’s Cross, to
The Friends of St Finbarr’s Cemetery: see notice at back of Church re. Culture Night 20th Sept. and Ecumenical Service 27th Sept.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Ben Healy, Willow Pk. and Roisin Jones (nee Eady) who died recently we extend our sympathy to their families
Coffee Morning for parents of young children starting school in the Parish Cenre after 10am Mass on Mon. 23rd Sept.
Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: This two year distance learning course will be offered in our Diocese by the Maryvale Institute of Higher Religious Sciences from Jan. 2014 in partnership with the Pastoral Development Office. The course consists of four study days per year which will be held in Cork and participants then undertake between 4 and 6 hours personal study each week. It is open to anyone over 18 who wants to study their faith systematically and be able to explain it to others – be they involved in parish, as parents or grandparents, teachers, youth leaders, religious, small group leaders. Information sessions: Wed. 2nd Oct. 2.30pm to 4pm or 8pm to 9.30pm at the Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock. More details from Sr. Karen at 021-4537601.