Friend, Move Up Higher Jesus warns us against looking for worldly respect or status. Spiritual pride likewise is a barrier to God’s grace and of course a false humility focused on the self closes us off from God as well. We are called to a real humility based on love, an attitude of not seeking for ourselves but disregarding the self and putting others first. We are to live out the new commandment: “love one another as I have loved you.” God is love, and humility, as Pope Frances says, is part of God’s DNA. The kingdom of God is different from the culture of individualism of our time. As Christians we are to put others first and to be generous, especially to those who can’t repay us, to do good because it is good, to act in accordance with our conscience and to experience the joy and the glorious freedom of the children of God.
But deep down, we realise we don’t measure up to the standards set by Christ and we may feel ashamed. That shame can be part of a real humility. God can work through our weakness, through our spiritual poverty and through our sinfulness if we are open to hearing his call and willing to accept his help to answer that call. May we like the wedding guests in the parable happily take the lowest place and hear the Lord address us as friends.
Ministers of the Word, Eucharist and Baptismal Team: We would like to increase the numbers of the Ministers in each of these ministries. We ask you to consider serving in one of these ministries or to nominate someone. Our thanks to those who have volunteered.
First Friday: Visitation of sick and housebound: Fr. Kerry and Fr. Billy will visit this week 5th and 6th September. Fr Kerry will visit at the usual times. As Fr Billy has a wedding on Friday some of his times will be changed by phone. If you are not on the list and would like a Priest to call please make contact, the phone numbers are in the bulletin.
Beginning Experience is a specially designed Support Programme for people who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death, separation or divorce in order to work through the grieving process and to discover for themselves that merely “existing” in life can be transformed into “living” a new life, though a different one. The next weekend is being held in the Ennismore Retreat Centre, Cork from Friday 4th October to Sunday 6th October. For application forms and further details please contact 087- 9886480 or email
Certificate/Diploma in Catechesis: This two year distance learning course will be offered in our Diocese by the Maryvale Institute of Higher Religious Sciences from January, 2014 in partnership with the Pastoral Development Office. The course consists of four study days per year which will be held in Cork and participants then undertake between 4 and 6 hours personal study each week. It is open to anyone over 18 who wants to study their faith systematically and be able to explain it to others – be they involved in parish, as parents or grandparents, teachers, youth leaders, religious, small group leaders. Information sessions: Wednesday 2nd October 2.30pm to 4.00pm or 8.00pm to 9.30pm at the Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock. More details from Sr. Karen at 021-4537601.
Parents of First Holy Communion Children: A meeting in Christ King Church at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th September, 2013 for parents of the second class pupils of Bunscoil Chriost Ri who wish their children to receive their First Holy Communion in May, 2014.
Parish Choir: will return next weekend. New members are always welcome
TeenSpirit: Enrolment for teenagers (14 to 17) for this Year of Faith project will begin in September with rehearsals during September, October and November, with the event on Saturday 24th November to close the Year of Faith. For more details contact Sr. Karen at 021-4537601.
St Vincent de Paul clothes collection: The SVP have written to thank us for the recent used clothes collection which raised about € 1,300.
Festival of Flowers St. Mary’s Church, Carrigtwohill: 14th and 15th September to celebrate the Year of Faith, donations to Marymount Hospice, details on Church notice board.
Seminar for Year of Faith: A diocesan seminar for the Year of Faith when our speaker will be Fr Conall O’Cuinn SJ from Dublin. Conall’s expertise lies in breaking open the message of faith using a variety of multi-media presentations. His input will lead to open round table discussions throughout the afternoon. He promises to bring alive the flame of faith within and offer us pointers towards reaching out in faith to others in our communities. When: Saturday 19th October Venue: Rochestown Park Hotel. Time: 1:30pm to 5:30pm (registration from 12:45pm) Cost: €20 per person
This seminar is open to all people of the diocese – laity, religious and clergy. Booking is essential – forms in parish with clergy and Parish Assemblies/Pastoral Councils or directly with Sr Karen 021 4537601