The Liturgy of the Word is a core part of our Mass as our minds and hearts are nourished by Sacred Scripture. Pope John Paul II commented that the reason “the words of God…are like human language is so that they may be understood by all, they must not remain distant.” Familiarity with Scripture helps us appreciate biblical references in the Mass prayers, to understand for example that in the New Covenant in Jesus’ blood we become God’s family, each becoming a beloved daughter or son. A “covenant” was a kinship agreement by which the parties became as family to each other. Our Eucharist is a “kinship meal” to ratify the New Covenant established at the Last Supper. All the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Covenant of Jesus’ blood. May our hearts be open to the Word of God when we hear it proclaimed at Mass so that we may be truly prepared to participate in our Sunday Eucharist. And may the “word of God” referred to by Pope John Paul become more and more familiar to us as we begin or continue to read our own Bibles at home.
Golden Jubilee:
Fr Kerry is celebrating the 50th anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood on the Wednesday 5th June. There will be Solemn Mass at 7.00 pm in Christ the King Church followed by further Celebrations, Ceol agus Craic in Rochestown Park Hotel. All parishioners are welcome and Fr Kerry would love to see you there. Whilst there is no charge, entry to the Hotel function will be by numbered ticket, to facilitate catering arrangements. Tickets will be available in the Church Office at Masses from next week-end.
Separately, the Parish Assembly will facilitate contributions to a presentation to be made to Fr Kerry on behalf of the Parish.
Turners Cross Parish Presentation Pilgrimage: Congratulations to all who came on last Sunday’s pilgrimage to Ballygriffin, organised by the Parish Assembly to mark the Year of faith.
Welcome: This Sunday we welcome to sing at our 10am Mass, the choir Alter Echo from France, who are taking part in the Choral Festival.
Bring flowers of the rarest – this hymn to Mary will be sung during May. The crown of the image of Mary has a long history – depicting Mary wearing a crown is found in the early Church. We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during these weeks of May. The Rosary is prayed every morning here before the 10am Mass.
Exam Prayers & Candle
The Exam Candle will be lit at all Masses commencing this weekend and will continue to be lit until the end of the exams.Good luck to all students and remember those who have already commenced their exams. Intentions of students of all ages are included in our Shared Mass every Friday. Cards are available in the Sacristy.
Deaths: We extend our sympathies to the family of Una Fehilly of Mercier Park whose funeral took place during the week. May she rest in eternal peace.
Evening Prayer: Why not take a little time and join in Evening Prayer on Fridays in May. Evening Prayer of the Church (Vespers) will be celebrated on Fridays at 6.00 pm, starting next Friday, May 9th. Prayers last approximately 15 minutes and all are welcome.
Ennismore Retreat Centre:
Friday 10th May 10.30a.m. – 4.30p.m. “The Wonder of my Being” a day to restore our sense of wonder. Facilitator: Tessie Murray, €50 includes lunch.
Saturday 18th May 10.30a.m. – 4.30p.m. Welcoming the Holy Spirit – Day of Renewal.
Facilitator: Anne Francis, €50 includes lunch.
Book by email at
or tel:021%204502520″
South Parish/Turners Cross Summer Scheme: Registration takes place on Thursday 9th May at 7.30pm in South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, (back of Fiat garage) for children aged 4-15 years. All welcome.
Important Dates:
18th May: Parish First Holy Communions. 10.30am
2nd June: Eucharistic Procession in Cork
5th June; Fr. Kerry’s Golden Jubilee Celebration