Good Shepard Sunday
April 21st is Good Shepherd Sunday, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. As Jesus asks us to recognise his voice and follow him, he promises us eternal life, and a peace in this life that the world cannot give. Today in spite of sceptical attitudes in society, people still follow faithfully and joyfully their lay or religious vocations, enriching their own lives and the life of the community to which they belong. There are different vocations, different ways of living out our Christian calling. The vocation to a married or single lay life is the norm, and such vocations are the mainstay of the Church. Diocesan priests and the men and women who are members of religious orders, congregations and societies spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a variety of ways, whatever you want to do in your life you can do as a religious Sister, Brother or Priest.
Praying for Vocations: This year our Pastoral Area annual service of prayer for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life takes place in Christ the King Church on next Tuesday 23rd April at 7:30pm. The theme is: “Celebrating Vocations…sowing the seed”. The homily will be given by Bishop Kieran O’Reilly of Killaloe who is native of Turner’s Cross and the attendance will include Religious Sisters, Brothers and Priests from this are, and all are warmly encouraged to join in affirming these vocations from among us as we pray for new vocations.
We pray also for Cork seminarians Sean Crowley who will be ordained a Priest for our Diocese in June, and Ben Hodnett who will be ordained Deacon at the end of May.
Congratulations: to the Girls and Boys of Bunscoil Chriost Ri Scoil Eoin who were confirmed on Friday. Our thanks to Bishop Buckley and congratulations also to the Parents and Teachers for their great efforts in preparing the children for the Sacrament.
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 20th/21st April. This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives, The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of over €300,000.
Ministers of the Eucharist can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy
Important Dates:
23rd April: Evening Prayer for Vocations 7.30pm theme – “Celebrating Vocations”
28th April Parish Pilgrimage to Ballygriffin the birth place of Nano Nagle
18th May: Parish First Holy Communions. 10.30am
2nd June: Eucharistic Procession in Cork
5th June; Fr. Kerry’s Golden Jubilee Celebration
Pilgrimage: To mark the Year of Faith The Parish Assembly have organised a Parish Pilgrimage to Ballygriffin the birth place of Nano Nagle on Sunday afternoon 28th April A bus will leave Church Grounds at 1.45pm sharp. Names can be given to Assembly Members at the exit doors of Church today (€5)
Death: We remember in our prayers Br. John Kelleher Presentation Community, Maiville Tec. who died recently we extent our sympathy to his family and community.
Trócaire Boxes: can be returned to the Sacristy during the week
Shared Mass: Our Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in Sacristy
Prayers of the Faithful during Lent
Many thanks to all the teenagers who read the prayers of the faithful during lent. Your contribution to our liturgies are much appreciated and long may it continue. Apologies to the readers that did not get a chance to participate this lent; we do appreciate your willingness to contribute.
Lough Derg Pilgrimage & Retreats
This Year of Faith journey to Lough Derg, where pilgrims have been gathering for over 1,000 years, and celebrate your faith with people from every parish in Ireland. For information contact Maureen in the Lough Derg Office Tel: 071 9861518 / email:
Fundraising Concert at Saints Peter And Paul’s, Cork; April 27th 2013 at 8pm. The East Cork Choral Society and Orchestra, in association with the Seafield Singers, present ‘The Creation’ by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). Tickets €15 from Pro Musica, at the church, and from the Sacristy, Saints Peter and Paul’s, Cork (Telephone 021-4276573). Parking in Paul Street Car Park, close to the Church.
Ennismore Retreat Centre: Journey to the Heart “Day of Reflection & Meditation” on Saturday 27th April 10.30a.m. – 4.30p.m. Facilitator: Harry O Halloran. €50 includes lunch.