Divine Mercy Sunday: During the course of Jesus’ revelations to Saint Faustina on the Divine Mercy, He asked that a feast day be dedicated to the Divine Mercy and that this feast be celebrated each year on the Sunday after Easter. From the diary of the young Polish Nun devotion began spreading throughout the world in the 1930s. The message is nothing new, but is a reminder of what the Church has always taught through scripture and tradition: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. But in the Divine Mercy devotion, the message takes on a powerful new focus, calling people to a deeper understanding that Gods love is unlimited and available to everyone. The message of mercy is that God loves us – all of us – no matter how we have failed. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. May we all come to share His joy. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed here in the Church after the 10am Mass at the Divine Mercy Shrine every Tuesday
Easter Thanks
As it would be impossible to mention by name so many parishioners who helped in various ways towards making Holy Week and our Easter celebrations here in Christ the King experiences of joy, community and blessing. We offer sincere thanks to all involved in the ceremonies. We pray that we will each know the joy of the Resurrection in our own hearts during this season of new life, thanksgiving and hope. Many have been coming to visit the Easter Garden. Many thanks for your generous Easter offerings.
Evening Prayer for Vocations
Our pastoral area once again invite you to join together to pray for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life on Tuesday 23rd April at 7:30pm here in Christ the King, Turner’s Cross. The homily will be given by Bishop Kieran O’Reilly (Killaloe) who is from our parish. This year our theme “Celebrating Vocations” we are inviting all priests and religious who were born and reared in our Parish of Christ the King – so if someone from your family, neighbor of friend answered this call from God please let one of the priests know so we can ensure they receive an invitation.
TeenSpirit A project for young people aged 14-17 embracing faith and music is coming to our diocese. Anyone (over 18) interested in helping to make it happen, is invited to come to a meeting in Turner’s Cross Parish Centre on Thursday 18th April at 8:00pm.
Ministers of the Word: can collect their Rotas for the coming months in the Sacristy
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: Monthly meeting in the Parish Centre this Tues. 9th April. at 7.30pm (note time)
Parish Assembly: Meeting in Parish Centre this Monday 8th April. at 8pm (Agendas may be collected in the Sacristy).
“Do this in Memory”: the next Mass will be Sunday 14th April at 10am, Meeting of parent class representatives on this Mon. 8th Aptil at 7.30pm in Fr. Kerry’s house.
Turners Cross Community Association AGM will take place on this Wed. 10th of April at 7:30pm in the Community Centre Curragh Road (next to Credit Union) All Welcome
Important Dates:
11th April: Retreat for those preparing for Confirmation in Nemo Complex
11th April: Mass & Service of Light 7.30pm for those being Confirmed with their parents & sponsors .
19th April; Parish Confirmations 10.30am with Bishop Buckley
23rd April: Evening Prayer for Vocations 7.30pm theme – “Celebrating Vocations”
28th April Parish Pilgrimage to Ballygriffin the birth place of Nano Nagle
18th May: Parish First Holy Communions. 10.30am
2nd June: Eucharistic Procession in Cork
5th June; Fr. Kerry’s Golden Jubilee Celebration
Pilgrimage: To mark the Year of Faith The Parish Assembly have organised a Parish Pilgrimage to Ballygriffin the birth place of Nano Nagle on Sunday afternoon 28th April A bus will leave Church Grounds at 1.45pm. For seat in Bus please give names in the Sacristy (€5)
Trócaire Boxes: can be returned to the Sacristy during the week
Members of the Parish Baptism Preparation Team are invited to their annual gathering. on Thurs. 11th April from 8pm to 9:30pm in St Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel. It will begin with a short time of prayer followed by input entitled “sharing faith with the parents we meet when we visit their homes” which will be given by Br Richard Hendricks OFMCap – Chaplain at UCC.
Turners Cross Community Association AGM will take place on this Wed. 10th of April at 7:30pm in the Community Centre Curragh Road (next to Credit Union) All Welcome
Community Employment Vacancies: Are you in receipt of a social welfare payment, Are you available to work 19.5 hours per week. Do you have a skill that you want to enhance or do you want to learn new skills. You may be eligible for a position on a Community employment programme. Contact Claire – cobrien@nce.ie NCE, Farranferris Education and Training Campus, Redemption Rd, Cork. Phone: 4228100