Our Baptism
Pope Benedict when he announced the Year of Faith said “We want this year to arouse in every believer the aspiration to profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, with confidence and hope”.
For the Year of Faith the Pope suggests that, where possible, each believer make a pilgrimage to the church of his/her baptism and to renew the baptismal promises at the font. Most of us here today were baptised as infants, As infants we didn’t choose to be baptised! it was the choice of our parents made for us, a choice which I’m sure many of you here today who are parents have in turn made for your own children. Pope Benedict’s suggestion, is a call to us to journey to that place where it all started, but this time to stand on our own two feet and to make those baptismal promises as if for the first time but this time with our own conviction.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers those who have died recently Nellie O’Connor, Berkley Court, Fr. Christy Harrington PP St. Joseph’s Mayfield Matthew Carter. Stephen O’Reilly, Green Lawn, Mary Healy,Capwell Rd, Tom O’Sullivan, Late of Evergreen Rd. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Unity Vigil for Life: will be held in Merrion Sq, Dublin on next Sat. 19th January at 4.30pm. The organisers of the Vigil for Life urge us to make an effort to attend. Now is the time for each of us to make our voices heard in defense of life. A number of Busses will be leaving from Cork St. Mary’s Popes Quay. 11.30am. Phone Mary Lynch 085 8328822. There is no set cost, if you wish you can make a donation. Buses will arrive back in Cork at approx 10.30pm on the 19th. Busses will be travelling from all over the country.
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses next weekend. 19th/20th January. This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives, The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of over €300,000.
Parenting Course: There have been a number of inquiries about having another Parenting Course here in our Parish, as a result The Parish Assembly have organized a course. The course will be facilitated by Mary Ryan. It is a six week course and will take place on Tuesday evenings in the Parish Centre Turner’s Cross. beginning 29th Jan. until the 5th March Time: 7:30 pm – 9:30pm There will be a variety of topics covered including: Meeting our children’s needs: encouraging, listening. Setting boundaries for our son/daughter Helping our children make “good” choices Developing emotional health, Communicating. This course has been very successful and helpful to many families in the Parish over the years. For more details, please contact Beth O’Sullivan at 085-2832707. or one of the Priests: 087-2610276 Let us have your Name and Phone no as soon as possible.
The Parish Assembly: will meet on this Mon. 14th Jan. in the Parish Centre at 8pm. Collect agenda in Sacristy
St Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society Monthly meeting on this Tues. 15th Jan. after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre.
Alpha Course begins in February here in our Parish. This is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in an informal, fun and friendly environment. The course starts on Wed. Feb. 6th, and continues on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm for ten weeks until April. What is the point of life? What happens when we die? What relevance does Jesus have for our lives today? How do we deal with guilt? If you would like to explore any of these questions, then Alpha is for you. Alpha considers some basic aspects of the Christian faith, including – Who is Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? How does God guide us? and What about the Church? Contact: Marie Long, at 085132597 Fr Billy, at 4313103
Turner’s Cross Active Retirement Group will resume their meetings in the Care Centre, Capwell Rd. Tue. 15th Jan. at 7.30pm. New members most welcome.