18th Nov 2012 – 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

Stand Ready:
The language in today’s Gospel is unusal  and is not intended to be read literally. Rather, it is trying to offer a vision of the final establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. In doing so, it uses highly symbolical and mythical language. Jesus is Risen Lord and sits at the right hand of God. As Risen Lord he is bringing to fulfilment all that he began in his ministry in Galilee.
Even if we have to pay a heavy cost for being disciples today and even if evil seems to be powerfully seductive in our world, this text declares that Jesus is victorious and one day his victory will be complete throughout the universe. Forever.

YOUCAT: is the new Youth Catechism. Pope Benedict said  “Many people say to me: The youth are not intrerested in this. I disagree, and  I am certain that I am right. The youth of today are not as superficial as some think. They want to know what life is all about….  This book YOUCAT is exciting because it speaks of our own destiny and so deeply engages every one of us.” It would be an ideal gift for secondary school students and young adults  indeed any of us for Christmas. The Parish Assembly can order copies from Veritas (€10 reduced rate) Give you name to the Sacristy.  An excellent book that will last you a lifetime.

Marriage Support
The Diocesan Collection in support of the Cork Marriage Counseling Centre Paul St. takes place next weekend Nov. 24th / 25th.  Last year the counselors worked with 1271 couples preparing for marriage and with 1047 clients for counseling. We encourage parishioners to help and support the marriage preparation and marriage counseling centre in the diocese by giving to this special collection.

“Do this in Memory” meeting with the parent class representatives in Fr. Kerry’s house on this Mon. 19th Nov. at 7.30pm

Altar Servers
There will be a short meeting of Altar Servers and those who have applied to be Altar Servers with their Parents in the Church on Tue.  20th Nov. at 2.40pm.

Christ King Girls Secondary School:  Remembrance Mass in School on Tues. 29th Nov. at 7pm

Coffee Morning: There will be a coffee morning in the Parish Centre after 10a.m. Mass next  Thur. 22nd Nov.  A cuppa and a chat. Why not bring a friend?

Bunscoil Chriost Ri Girls Football Team came out on top against  Scoil Barra, Ballincollig in the Scitah na Scoil Final in Pairc Ui Chaoimh.  Our congratulations to the girls on a great win.

What’s happening? An information pack is being compiled outlining the groups and societies active in the parish, and what they do. This will facilitate parishioners who might wish to contact these groups for any reason. We therefore ask groups/societies that wish to be included to submit a contact number and a brief account of what they offer as a group. Please hand in to Sacristy before Christmas.

Biblical Reflection on the Eucharist

Will continue in the Parish Centre at 8 pm on Wed.  next 21st Nov.  Biblical foundations of the Eucharist and reflect on the Eucharist as the source and summit of our Christian life.  All are welcome.

Christmas Tea Party: in aid of Sr. Mary Moloney’s missionary work in Chile in South Presentation Centre Evergreen Rd. Sun. 25th Nov. 3pm-5pm. No charge but voluntary contributions appreciated, raffle will be held.

November Blessing of Graves & Prayers   Sunday 18th Nov.  St. Finbarr’s  Glasheen Rd. 2.30pm    Rathcooney  3pm

Liam Lawton in Concert in Christ the King Church on Thurs. 6th Dec.  at 8pm with Ballinora Church Choir.  Special guests Christ The King Church Choir and  Bunscoil Chriost Ri Choir . Tickets €20 available from Parish Office after Masses this weekend and from Busscoil Chriost Ri.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Sr. Therese Condon, Presentation Convent,  Lily O’Mahony Greenhills Court and Dominic McNamara who died recently and extend our sympathy to their families and community.

The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa
: (Our Lady Queen of Poland) is coming to Ireland  having travelled across 20 Countries. The Icon of the Mother of God is inviting us to pray for the Defence of Life and the Family. The Icon will be in St. Augustine’s Church on Sat.  24th of Nov.  between 9 am – 12 noon  Copy of Icon with program of visit at back of Churh

Reflecting on the Advent Readings

An opportunity to reflect on the Word of God in Advent. This event is especially suitable for Ministers of the Word, but open to everyone.
Tues. 20th  Nov. 8pm  Douglas Parish Centre.  All Welcome. Please let us know you are coming.  Anne Francis 087-228-213

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Sr. Therese Condon, Presentation Convent,  Lily O’Mahony Greenhills Court and Dominic McNamara who died recently and extend our sympathy to their families and community.

The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa
: (Our Lady Queen of Poland) is coming to Ireland  having travelled across 20 Countries. The Icon of the Mother of God is inviting us to pray for the Defence of Life and the Family. The Icon will be in St. Augustine’s Church on Sat.  24th of Nov.  between 9 am – 12 noon  Copy of Icon with program of visit at back of Churh

Reflecting on the Advent Readings

An opportunity to reflect on the Word of God in Advent. This event is especially suitable for Ministers of the Word, but open to everyone.
Tues. 20th  Nov. 8pm  Douglas Parish Centre.  All Welcome. Please let us know you are coming.  Anne Francis 087-228-213

TeenSpirit Comes to Cork – A music project for young people aged 14-17.  Volunteers needed to help make it happen!  For those interested in getting  involved, there will be a meeting in Turner's Cross Parish Centre, Sat 1st Dec. 10.30am to 12 noon.  It will be a short term commitment – together let's mark the Year of Faith with our young people!  Noel 0'Sullivan from Killarney who was the inspiration behind TeenSpirit starting in KerryDiocese will be the speaker. 
For more information contact: Sr Karen  0879161792 
NB: this meeting is not intended for the young people who will participate in the project.

Catholic Grandparents Association – An invitation to Grandparents  St. Francis Church, Liberty Street,  Thur, 6th Dec. 2.30pm – 5.00pm  The family needs you.  The Church needs you. Society needs you.  We need you. To help grandparents pass on the faith and to keep prayer at the heart of family life.