The Mass readings for this thirtieth Sunday of ordinary time speak of salvation and of faith. There have always been examples of weak faith (most of us, perhaps), deep faith and no faith, but nowadays we see an honest struggle between belief and scepticism in many people and we see open opposition to faith. Negative voices surround us which deny faith, deny hope and deny life. We no longer live in an age of faith.
We pray for the grace given to Bartimaeus in todays gospel reading, to recognise our salvation in Jesus of Nazareth. Bartimaeus called out from the margins of poverty, helplessness and blindness, a nobody and an embarrassment to those nearby, but the blind man could look to Jesus with eyes of faith. And as we cry to God from the spiritual margins, from our lack of faith or weak faith and ask for mercy, we too will be heard. We remind ourselves that our faith is not merely a question of intellectual belief; it is a relationship with the risen Jesus, with Jesus who said to Bartimaeus your faith has saved you. Faith can be transforming, it can change us for the better and give us joy, as well as give us hope in the most difficult times in our lives.
As we call out to God we are in turn called to share in the mission of Christ and are sent to the lost, to be an example of hope and joy to those who have lost their faith. With Bartimaeus we follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, seeing him and our brothers and sisters for whom he died with eyes of faith and eyes of love.
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 27/28 October. This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of over 300,000.
Feast of all Saints 1st Nov. Masses: Vigil Wed. 6pm. Thurs. 10am & 6pm
Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on next Friday 2nd Nov. and continues until 10th Nov. Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church and may be returned to the box at the Altar Rails with the lists of your dead. Novena Mass times 10am & 6pm
First Friday; Frs. Kerry and Billy will visit the Sick and the housebound on Thursday & Friday at the usual times
Remembrance Weekend 3rd / 4th November, all Masses next weekend will be offered for our Dead remembering especially those who have died since November last year.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Maurice Noonan, OConnell Cres. & Mary Quinn, South Douglas Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Liam Lawton in Concert in Christ the King Church on Thurs. 6th Dec. at 8pm with Ballinora Church Choir. Special guests Christ The King Church Choir and Bunscoil Chriost Ri Choir . Tickets 20 available from Busscoil Chriost Ri. Tel 4963629
Gramophone Recital on Tues 30th Oct. at 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Presenter: Tom Maher
Sunday, 28th October 2012, 02:00:00 clocks are turned backward one hour.
Thank You from Fr Charlie.
Fr Charlie wishes to say thanks to Parish Assembly for organising the gathering last weekend. It was good to meet so many of you at the Mass and in the school for the party. A sincere thanks to you all for presentation I received.
Remembering our Dead
The month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. It is a time when we remember those who have gone before us, family and friends, whom we have known and loved.
November Blessing of Graves & Prayers
The following is a list of some of the Blessing of Graves and prayers scheduled during the month of November.
Saturday 3th Nov.
St. Olivers 2pm with Mass
Sunday 4th Nov.
St.Josephs Tory Top Rd. 2.30pm
Douglas 3pm
Sunday 11th Nov.
St. James, Chetwynd 3pm
St. Michaels Blackrock 3pm
St. Catherines Kilcully 3pm
Sunday 18th Nov.
St. Finbarrs Glasheen Rd. 2.30pm
Rathcooney 3pm