14th October 2012 – 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

The Year of Faith
This officially began on October 11th, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and will end on November 24th 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King.  Members of our Parish Assembly will join Bishop Buckley when he launches the Year of Faith in the Diocese at a special Mass in the Cathedral this Saturday at 6.00 pm. We mark the start of the Year in our Parish at the Masses this weekend. 

The Journey of faith is a journey from baptism to the passage through death to eternal life, a journey of a lifetime. Pope Benedict asks us to rediscover that journey, to rediscover the joy and excitement of the encounter with Christ as our hearts are transformed by his grace.  We live in a time when many people are without faith, good people for the most part who seek truth in their lives and in the world.  We are called to be Christians who radiate the word of truth, who experience a joy and an enthusiasm for communicating the faith.  As we give a witness of love for one another, our relationship with the Lord becomes increasingly firm.  The Pope places this Year of Faith under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the woman of faith, called blessed because she believed. 

Our Parish Assembly is developing events and programmes for the year and suggestions from parishioners will be most welcome.

A booklet DOORWAY TO FAITH – unlocking the Mystery of faith will be available at the Masses this weekend.  €2.  A journey of Prayer through the Catechism of the Catholic Church for the Year of Faith 2012-2013.  An excellent booklet

Next Sunday – Mission Sunday – This year being the Year of Faith it will take on a special meaning. The success of Mission depends on the enthusiasm of our Parish Communities.  Over 1,000 dioceses in Mission areas seek our support and prayers. Last year the Parishes of Ireland contributed over €2 million to the Missions. The Mission Collection will be taken up next weekend.

St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society:  Mass and A.G.M. last Tues. 9th Oct. at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre.  A total of € 7,166 was collected by the members of The Turner’s Cross Branch and transmitted to the Central Fund for the education of priests. Congratulations and thanks to all concerned.

Altar Servers: Completed Altar Server forms are now due, they may be handed in to the Sacristy or given to one of the priests.

Ministers of the Word: can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Pieta House Suicide / Self-Harm Crisis Centre: Public meeting on Thursday October 18th , at 8.00pm in the Imperial Hotel, Cork to discuss the proposed opening of the Pieta House Service in Bishopstown, Cork. See www.pieta.ie <http://www.pieta.ie>  or call 01 6282111 or 061 484444.

Fr. Charlie: The Parish Assembly have organised a social evening and presentation for Fr Charlie Kiely in the School Hall, Bun Scoil Chriost Ri on Saturday next 20th Oct. after the 6pm Mass. Contribution boxes for Fr Charlie's presentation are available in church at weekend masses, contributions may be handed in into priests’ houses during the week. Any parishioners who wish to donate cakes/scones for Fr Charlie's evening, please drop them into the Parish Centre to assembly members between 10am and 12am next Saturday. Donations much appreciated, thank you for your support.

Autumn Dues
Area Collectors may collect the remaining envelopes in the Sacristy after Mass this weekend.  Many thanks.

Computer classes for beginners starting on Tuesday 23rd Oct. in Turners Cross Community Centre, Curragh Road (next to Credit Union) from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm.  The six week course costs €20. Contact Phil on 087-9897895.

A monthly discussion group for young adults 18-35 based on the new youth catechism –  Tea and sandwiches are on offer from 5:30pm with discussion group from 6pm to 7pm. Venue: the Pastoral Development Office in Ballyphehane. Group led by Fr Charlie.

Young Adults Group Lourdes Pilgrimage 2013, 18-35 year olds. An invitation to come and see, to be a helping hand.  From 11th to 16th June, 2013.  For more information contact Sr. Karen, Pastoral Development Office, Tel: 0214537601.