From Small Beginnings
The parable of the mustard seed seems pretty straightforward at first glance, but as always there is more to it than first meets the eye. Jesus did not compare the Kingdom of God to a majestic tree. There is an ancient text which forbade planting mustard seeds in Palestinian gardens because the shrub takes over wherever it is planted. It is wild, gets out of control, and attracts unwanted birds. The Kingdom of God grows from something small to something large, but more than that, its growth is overwhelming and it will grow even where it is not wanted. As Eucharistic Congress comes to a close no doubt lots of seeds have been sown during this week in the RDS and Croke Park and in our Parish. God has put us on the right road; there is a special welcome for the least, the lost and the last.
Eucharistic Congress
In our Parish over the past week at our daily Mass we have share in the Congress theme for each day. Some have travelled to the RDS for the daily programme of workshops, lectures and prayer, they found it very interesting and inspiring. We are now finding that more people are seeking tickets for the final Mass in Croke Park and we are doing our best to source tickets for them. May the Congress help us all in our quest to understand and venerate the Eucharist more fully.
Reminder for Parish Group traveling to Congress this Sunday – assemble at railway station at 8.40am. Those who have arranged to travel to the Railway Station – the mini-bus leaves the Church Grounds at 8.15am sharp. Our good wishes to Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie and our Parish Group who are traveling to the Congress. Closing ceremony from Croke Park will be televised on RTE at 2.00pm
Peter's Pence Collection
The Popes collection will be taken next weekend 23/24th June at all Masses.
The collection is used by the Pope to support special charitable projects in developing
countries as well as defraying expenses of the work of the Church.
The RCIA group training programme six Tuesdays September 18th – October 23rd at Dennehy's Cross Crypt, 8.00 – 10.00pm. Details on notice board.
St Finbarr's Hospital Garden Party
The Annual Garden Party will be held On Sat. 23rd June at St Finbarr's Hospital between 1.30 and 4.30pm. There will also be a Historical Tour of the grounds led by Cllr Kieran McCarthy, starting at 12 noon. Lots of fun and entertainment, admission free.
Launch of Cork Alzheimer Café & Party takes place on Friday 22nd (14.30-17.30pm) at St. Finbarrs Hospital,(outside the Activity Centre) their will be music, food and information stands. All are welcome to attend and see what its about.
RehabCare Douglas Invites you to our Annual Open Day on Thurs. 21st June at our centre in the Dosco Industrial Estate, South Douglas Road, from 11a.m – 4.00 p.m.
With a barbecue, Boccia competition, gramophone recital, ceili, table quiz, cake sale and a raffle. Information, contact Paul at 4362701 or
The Life in the Spirit Seminar, seven Wednesday nights September 19th – October 31st at the Parish Centre. Details on notice board
Pilgrimage to Knock: St. Josephs Young Priests Society Pilgrimage to Knock on Sat. 23rd June. Bus leaving St. Michaels Church, Blackrock at 6.30am. 25 per seat.
Phone Irene 4963326 / 086-1726323.
Death: We remember in our prayers Br. Plunkett Browne who died recently, we extend our sympathy to the Browne Family and the Presentation Community.
Response after Consecration during the coming months:
When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Dear Readers,
There will be no Parish Bulletin until the end of August. We wish you all a happy, enjoyable and safe Summer. May we be blessed with good weather. Every good wish and blessing –
The Bulletin Team.