The Blessed Trinity:
During the period of the Old Testament, God was known to the Jews the only one God. In the course of his earthly life Jesus frequently spoke of his unique relationship with the Father, saying at one stage that he and the Father were one. With his return to the Father and the sending of the Holy Spirit as the means of his presence among his Church the full picture emerges. God is three yet God is one. We all know that St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity to the people of Ireland. He showed that just as there are three leaves on one stem, there are three Persons in one God. The prayers most frequently said to the Blessed Trinity are the Sign of the Cross, the Glory be to the Father and Church Blessings. In these prayers we praise God. let us say them with all our hearts.
A blessing attributed to St. Fursa:
The arms of God be around my shoulders The touch of the Holy Spirit upon my head. The sign of Christs Cross upon my forehead The sound of the Holy Spirit in my ears in my heart and to God the Father of all my entire being.
Corpus Christi Procession
This Sunday June 3rd, as usual we will travel from the Parish gathering at the Church and walking in procession to Daunt Square/ Grand Parade. Departing Christ the King Church at 3pm .
Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
As we prepare for the Feast of Corpus Christi and the 50th Eucharistic Congress there will be Exposition next Saturday June 9th from 2pm until the Vigil Mass at 6pm. It is hoped to have people in the Church throughout the afternoon ~ There is a TIME SHEET at the back of the church.
Holy Hour: In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress in June we will continue with Eucharistic Adoration after the 10am Mass on each Wednesdays until 11am Can you not watch one hour with me
Exam Masses
The 10am Mass on this Wednesday June 6th (the day the exams begin) will be offered for those sitting exams they are in our thought and prayers and in our shared Mass every Friday at 10am, special cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for Exams.
A Students Prayer: Lord Jesus, As I now prepare for my exams, I ask you to grant me strength of mind and constant hope. Banish from my mind all fear, anxiety, regret and nervous distraction. May your gift of the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten my mind. At this difficult time, give me the gift of self-confidence and an assurance that you will hear my prayer, answer my need and continue to guide me as I pursue lifes journey. I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Second Collection Next Weekend: To raise funds for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress a collection will be held in all parishes in the Cork and Ross Diocese next weekend June 9th/10th
Novena to the Sacred Heart: Begins on Thursday 7th June and continues until The Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday 15th June. The Novena prayers will be prayed each day at the 10am Mass. Leaflets available at back of Church
Trocaire: Our thanks to all who contributed to Trocaire through the Family Lenten Fast Boxes. The amount contributed from our Parish 7,651
"Do this in Memory Mass"
Do this in Memory Programme 2011-12 – concludes on Sunday next 10th June at the 10am Mass. After Mass there will be a short Eucharistic Procession in the Grounds of the Church with the First Holy Communion Children from Bunscoil Chríost Rí. Congratulations to all the children and their families who have participated in the programme during the year and to their teachers for being so helpful. Our thanks to the parents representatives who helped to organise the Mass each month.
Ministers of the Word and Eucharist
Ministers of the Word and Eucharist can collect their new rotas for the coming weeks.
Pioneer Mass
A con-celebrated Pioneer Mass for those recently confirmed and their parents was held last Tuesday. Ephie Fitzgerald addressed the congregation speaking of his experiences with young people in relation to the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. He finished his presentation by asking the girls and boys of Bunscoil Chríost Rí with the help of their parents to abstain from Alcohol until at least 18years of age and to abstain from Drugs for life, and a third was that the girls and boys would never push or force anyone to take Alcohol or Drugs. We thank Ephie for his time and excellent presentation.
Congratulations to Rev Sean Crowley.
Sean a native of Enniskeane was ordained a deacon last Sunday in Maynooth, he is in his final year of preparation for ordination to the priesthood for the Diocese of Cork and Ross
Cake and Book Sale
Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June 2012.
The Youth Ministry Group in our Parish Assembly have announced that there will be a CAKE & BOOK SALE on the weekend of June 9th and 10th 2012 before and after all Masses in the Parish Centre. Baking, Book and financial donations will be greatly accepted. This project is in aid of Parish Youth Ministry Projects to support those travelling on pilgrimage as helpers from the parish on this years Cork and Ross Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage.
It is hoped that in the future we as a parish will have a Parish Bursary Fund to support and help all young adults from our parish who wish to volunteer in similar projects in the coming years.
Further details from either of the priests in our parish,
or from Beth on 085-2832707 or Mary on 085-7479373
Deaths: We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to the families of: Gerard Dunne, South Douglas Road, Annie ONeill, Ballinure and Baby Leo Dabrowski, Connolly Rd who died during the past week, may they rest in eternal peace.
The International Eucharistic Congress 2012, a great opportunity.
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Eucharistic Congress Prayer
Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to gather together those who are scattered. You came among us, doing good and bringing healing, announcing the Word of salvation and giving the Bread which lasts for ever. Be our companion in lifes pilgrim way.
May Your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread. May your Holy Spirit transform is into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your resurrection.
In communion with Mary, whom you gave as our Mother at the foot of the cross, through you may all praise, honour and blessing be to the Father, in the Holy Spirit and in the Church, now and forever, Amen.