27th May 2012 – Pentecost Sunday

'Pentecost and the Catholic Experience

'The Holy Spirit makes the Christian experience truly Catholic and universal, open to all human experience. To be Catholic is to be universal and open to the world. The mind of Christ is not intended to be a selective mentality for a few but the perspective from which the whole world will be renewed and redeemed. An insight like this, the universal scope of salvation did not however come easily and without much pain and confusion. Pentecost stands for a hope and at Pentecost the full meaning of Jesus’ life and message is poured into our hearts by the Spirit alive in the community. The New Testament seems to say that – for a fleeting moment – the nations of the earth paused from their customary strife and experienced a community caused by God. The brief and shining hour of Pentecost remains to charm and encourage us to this day.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful,  grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pentecost Prayer of the Faithful.
At all Masses this weekend, the prayer of the faithful will be prayed in different languages by parishioners who reside in the parish in their native language and translated into English by the students of Bunscoil Chríost Rí who recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Corpus Christi Procession
Next Sunday June 3rd, as usual we will travel from the parish gathering at the Church at 3pm  and walking in procession to Daunt Square/ Grand Parade.

Holy Hour:
In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress in June we will continue with Eucharistic Adoration after the 10am Mass on each Wednesdays until 11am  “Can you not watch one hour with me” 
Turner's Cross Parish Choir.

This weekend the Parish Choir celebrates 35 years in existence, and we as a parish would like to acknowledge and congratulate them on this special occasion. The choir has always been involved in all important parish occasions and every Sunday. At this Sunday’s Vigil Mass they will sing and also give a short recital of hymns and familiar and well known musical pieces if you wish to stay on after Mass. Once again congratulations and many thanks for your commitment and dedication to our parish over the 35 years.

First Friday
Next Friday is the First Friday and Fr Kerry and Fr Charlie will visit the homes of the sick and housebound at their usual time, if you are not on their list of visits, please let us know if you would like a visit from one of the priests in the parish.

Exam Masses
Our Students who will be sitting exams are remembered in our shared Mass every Friday at 10am, special cars are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for Exams.

Ministers of the Word and Eucharist
Ministers of the Word and Eucharist can collect their new rotas for the coming weeks.

Pioneer Mass
Pioneer Mass for those recently confirmed and their parents is on this Tuesday 29th May in Christ the King Church at 7.30pm

"Do this in Memory Meeting"
Do this in Memory Meeting for all parent co-ordinators in Fr Kerry’s house on this Monday (May 28th) at 7.30pm

South Parish/ Turner's Cross Summer Play Scheme.
Final Registration for the Scheme will take place on Monday 28th May at 8pm at the South Parish Community Centre in Sawmill St (Behind FIAT GARAGE). The scheme runs from July 2nd to 13th inclusive. Registration is open to all children from 4 years to 15 years.

Cake & Book Sale
The Youth Ministry Group in our Parish Assembly would like to announce that there will be a Cake & Book Sale on the weekend of June 9th & 10th before and after all Masses. Baking and Book donations will be gratefully accepted. This sale is to aid Parish Youth Ministry Projects to support those travelling from the parish this year on the Cork and Ross Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage. It is hoped that in the future that we as a parish will have a Parish Bursary Fund to help all young adults to volunteer in similar projects in the coming years. Full Details in helping in any way from: Mary 085-749373 or Beth 085-2832707.

Alliance of the Two Hearts.
All night vigil on Friday June 1st at the South Presentation Chapel, Douglas St. Rosary 10pm, First Friday Mass at 10.30pm and First Saturday Mass at 6am. All Welcome; details 086-0502727

Pastoral Development  – Exploring opportunities for Young People

Silversprings Hotel  Conference Centre next Thursday 31st May at 8pm, Tea & Coffee, details from Sr Karen on 4537601.

CLM Lourdes Pilgrimage
Availability in August and September – All inclusive subsided fare of €450, which includes full board, flights etc and own single room, helpers needed also. If you have a problem with the fare, CLM will help with various way of raising the fare – Full details and booking from Máire Smye at CLM HQ 023-8833273

Eucharistic Congress Prayer
Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to gather together those who are scattered. You came among us, doing good and bringing healing, announcing the Word of salvation and giving the Bread which lasts for ever. Be our companion in life’s pilgrim way.
May Your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread. May your Holy Spirit transform is into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your resurrection.
In communion with Mary, whom you gave as our Mother at the foot of the cross, through you may all praise, honour and blessing be to the Father, in the Holy Spirit  and in the Church, now and forever, Amen.