29th April 2012 – 4th Sunday of Easter (B) (Vocation Sunday)

Good Shepherd  – Vocation Sunday.
Today, Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday, we are asked to keep in our prayers the Priests and Religious, who work to help bring  about the kingdom of God in our Parish.  Priests and religious are central to our Parish communities. The need has never been greater.  The age profile of so many of our Priests and Religious is a stark reminder of the need for new vibrant young adults, to discern the calling to religious life. The Chinese word for crisis is the same as is used for opportunity. Priests and Religious are an integral part of any Faith Community.  But, with the reduction in numbers of Priests and Religious, lay people are finding their rightful role in church life. We remember those studying for Priesthood who will serve in our Diocese of Cork & Ross. We pray for Sean Crowley  who will be ordained a Deacon for our Diocese in June and our other seminarians and that the whispering of the Good Shepherd to the idealism and generosity of people will find receptive hearts.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord Jesus, The ministry of priests is a sign of your unfailing care. Call from among us the priests needed for the Church of today and tomorrow.  Bless all students for the priesthood and religious life, Sisters and Brothers. Grant them joy, wisdom, courage and a generous spirit. Sustain priests with a real sense of your love and the support of those they are called to serve. Keep them faithful to their calling.  Bless all those who minister in your Church in any way.  Amen.

Eucharistic Congress:  Times of Trains to Dublin on Sun. 17th June are on notice  board at back of Church.    There is a red package with all the details of the Eucharistic Congress available also they contain the Congress Prayer.

This years Eucharistic Procession in Cork will take place on Sunday 3rd June

Ordination and Prayer for Vocations:
Amid great joy Fr. Colm O’Mahony OSA  was ordained a priest in St Augustines, Washington St.  last Thursday, he will be with us here Christ the King for our hour of prayer on Tuesday next.  The Parishes and Order Communities of the our Pastoral Area  (Turner’s Cross, South Parish, Ss Peter & Paul's and the three Order Communities of St. Francis. St. Augustine’s & Holy Trinity) invite everyone to join with them and Fr. Colm to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life – Tues. 1st May 7:30pm in Christ the King Church.  A guided hour of prayer, reflection and song.  A cuppa will be served afterwards. in the Parish  Centre 

Trócaire Boxes: can be returned to the Sacristy during the week

Holy Hour:
In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress in June we will continue with Eucharistic Adoration after the 10am Mass on each Wednesdays until 11am  “Can you not watch one hour with me”    In the case of a funeral Exposition will take place the following day.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Kay Cogan late of High St. & Tom Burton, Greenlawn who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.  May they rest in peace.

Church Gate Collections: We thank all who co-operated in the vote last weekend. The result:  62%  in favour.  38%  against.

Our Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.

First Friday: Fr. Kerry and Fr. Charlie will visit the sick and the housebound at the usual times on this coming Thursday & Friday.

Cake Sale in aid of Coláiste Chríost Rí in the Parish Centre after the Masses this weekend 28/29th April. Your support would be greatly appreciated"

We welcome today as part of the of the Cork Choral Festival Church Interchange – the Choir of the Cathedral (North Chapel) to sing at our 12noon Mass. Our Choir will be singing in Farranree.
Next Sunday we welcome the Deja-Vu, Cork to our 10am Mass

Preparation for Confirmation
Archbishop Coveney will be with us for Confirmation on the 10th May. Preparing for this important day in their lives, the young people will be on Retreat in Nemo Complex on next Tuesday 2nd May and that evening at 7.30pm they will gather with their parents in Christ the King Church  for a special Mass and Service of Light.

Eucharistic Congress Prayer
Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to gather together those who are scattered. You came among us, doing good and bringing healing, announcing the Word of salvation and giving the Bread which lasts forever. Be our companion on life’s pilgrim way. May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread. May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your resurrection. In communion with Mary, whom you gave to us as our Mother at the foot of the cross, through you may all praise, honour and blessing be to the Father in the Holy Spirit and in the Church, Now and forever. Amen 

Trains to Dublin – Eucharistic Congress Sun.17th June
Scheduled trains:  8:30am    10:30am
Free travel can only be used on these two trains
4 weeks before the date of congress you can go on line and book your seat if you have free travel On these two trains – those without free travel pay the price as advertised on the Irish Rail website.
Special train:     9:15am/9:20am  (final time to be confirmed)
Return fare for all passengers is 35euro – available to book now
You cannot use your free travel pass on this train
Trains will be travelling to Connolly station on this day