Happy Easter
From the Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish – A Happy Easter.
Our prayer for you is that the Joy and Peace of the Risen Christ be with you this Easter.
Our sincere thanks to all who participated and helped with the Holy Week Ceremonies, Frank, Doreen and Eddie who put in place the lovely Easter Garden. The Parish Choir, Ministers of the Word & Eucharist, Sacristan Jack, Collectors, Altar Servers and those who care for the Church and decorate the Altars.
Our congratulations to Robin Jane Murray who was baptised at the Easter Vigil, and to Clement and Joy Odigie who were Confirmed at the Vigil.
The Resurrection gives my life meaning and direction
The Resurrection is the hinge stone on which everything else rests. Without Easter and the Resurrection our lives are simply in a meaningless spin. At the heart of our Easter message is new life, energy, celebration and new beginnings. Good Friday could best be described as a dark bleak day touching in on all our sadness and struggles. Out of the middle of the mess of Good Friday comes a of day joy, when God does indeed have the last word. That last word has shattered the darkness and despair of Good Friday. The waiting is over…..He is risen… Happy Easter
Divine Mercy: The Novena to the Divine Mercy continues until Divine Mercy Sunday
15th May. The novena prayers will be said in the Church each day after the 10am Mass at the Divine Mercy Shrine.
Trócaire Boxes: can be returned to the Sacristy during the week
Easter Prayer
Praise to you Lord
for the empty tomb,
Praise to you Lord
for your return from the dead,
Praise to you Lord
for men and women redeemed,
Praise to you Lord
for a new world.
Risen Lord, friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly
day by day.
Easter Triduum of Masses: Easter Sun. 12 noon, Mon, Tues. at 10 am.
Collection for support of Priests of Parish: The only collection in Church on Holy Saturday and on Easter Sunday is for the support of the priests of the Parish.
St Josephs Young Priests Society, Meeting on Tue.10th April after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre
Alzheimer Society, meeting of the Saturday Club, Sat. 14th April at Bessboro Day Care Centre. From 2pm until 4pm. Live Music with The Dust Busters Light refreshments provided. All Welcome Contact 021 4972504
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Mary Fitzgibbon formally of South Douglas Rd Nora Newman, Connolly Rd. Mary Coakley, Derrynane Rd who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families. May they rest in peace.
Beginning Experience is a specially designed programme which gives widowed, separated and divorced people help and support to deal with the grief process, and to discover for themselves that merely "existing" in life can be transformed into "living" a new life, though a different one. The next weekend is being held in Ennismore Retreat Centre, from 11th – 13th May 2012. For Application Forms and any further information, please contact 087 9886480 or email beginningexperiencecork@gmail.com>