18th March 2012 – 4th Sunday of Lent (B)

Mothers Day
We wish all Mothers a happy day, our 12 noon Mass will be offered for our Mothers living or deceased. If you would like your mother to be remembered special cards are available at the Parish Office after Mass. “No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – life” Lots of cards and gifts will be given to many mothers today. But no gift or card can ever sum up the uniqueness of a mother. Nothing can ever sum up the impact of our mothers in our lives. Today Mother’s day is a day to celebrate and a day to thank God for our mothers. It is also a day to remember mothers who are deceased, their memory will never be forgotten.

Prayer for a Mother
Lord bless my mother today and every day.
Bless her for bringing me into the world and for all she has ever done for me all her
countless acts of love.
Bless her for all the good things I have received through her caring.
Bless all those mothers who try to care for their families in difficult circumstances.
Bless all those mothers who have gone to their heavenly home.
May they find joy and peace in the Family of God. Amen

Reflection:  Today’s passage from John’s Gospel contains one of the best known sentences of all scripture, the one which declares that God loved the world so much that he sent his only Son. So in human terms, God’s motive for sending Jesus among us is love. In other words, all God’s actions towards us and his dealings with us are inspired by love. This is good news and if we didn’t know it before now, now is the time to take this insight on board and to let it begin to change us.

The Response after the Consecration during March & April will be: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.

Lenten Weekday Masses: 10am & 6pm. 

Bank Holiday Mass
Only10am Mass on this Monday – No 6pm.

St. Joseph:   Monday 19th March is the Feast of St. Joseph. We remember the members of St Joseph’s Young Priest Society and their supporters who do so much in promoting vocations.  May God bless their work.

Holy Hour for Lent
On the Wednesdays of Lent there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 11am, including our Mass we will have an hour with the Lord.

Stations of the Cross:  Every Tuesday during Lent at 5.30pm before the evening Mass.

A Time of Reflection during Lent.
As we prepare for Holy Week there will be time of Reflecion and Prayer in the Chapel of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Rd. Fr Sean Donoghue OFM Cap., will guide us. The evening is for all who serve in our Parish of Christ the King and whose special contribution to parish life is essential and immense such as Minsters of the Word & Eucharist, Baptismal Preparation Team Members, Church Carers, Altar Society, Church Collectors, Sacristan, Caretaker, Choir Members, Dues Collectors, Do This in Memory Co-ordinating Team, Parish Prayer Groups, St Joseph’s Young Priests Society, Legion of Mary, St Vincent de Paul Society, Parish Assembly Members, Finance Committee, Our Child Protection Representatives, those who care for the sick and elderly, those who put up our Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens, Religious and all involved in any way in our parish and others who wish to join us on Thursday next are very welcome. The evening will begin at 7.30pm ~ Thurs ~ March 22nd  ~ at St Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel (Parking Available)

Spring Dues.
Our sincere thanks  to the area collectors for distributing and collecting the Parish Dues Envelopes – If any household doesn’t receive a Dues Envelope and Parish Information please notify one of the priests. Thanking you in anticipation of your co-operation and support ~ Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church.

Cork & Ross Diocesan Priesthood Information Day
Find out more about Priesthood in the Diocese of Cork & Ross  ~ An information day about becoming a priest in Cork & Ross. on Saturday March 31st at Ennismore 10.30 am to 4pm Details on 4301717 or  4371648 or from Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie “Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest!”.  Email:  secretary@corkandross.org

Deaths: We express our deepest sympathies to the family of David Golden, Friars Rd., and Len Wolfe  may they rest in eternal peace

Ministers of Word & Eucharist: Rotas Available for the coming weeks.

Bunscoil Chríost RÍ:
The parents and friends of Bunscoil Chríost Rí are holding a Fun Fundraising Musical Bingo Night on March 30th in the Evergreen Bar @ 9pm. Great prizes, free finger food ~ all are welcome ~ your support will be appreciated.

Turner’s Cross Gramaphone
Recital will be held on this Tuesday March 20th at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre ~ Presenter: Matt Farrell.

Proposed New Parish Radio System.
The following notice is regarding the possible installation of a Parish Radio System. The aim of the project is to allow people/parishioners to tune into the various parish liturgies held throughout the year especially Daily Mass. This service is aimed for those who find it difficult to attend Church in person, especially those who are sick or housebound. This notice is issued on behalf of the Parish Assembly for the purpose of enquiry into whether there is a demand for such a service in our parish. Please let us know in the coming days of your views.