26th February 2012 – 1st Sunday of Lent (B)

Lent – A Time to Reflect
I hope you have all had a good start to this season of Lent. For us as Catholics, Lent is a very special time, a time for us to renew our baptismal commitment, our life of prayer, of service, of a sense of mission and vocation. It is a baptismal retreat for us.. The word Lent means “Springtime” and we are encouraged to bring about a new springtime in our spiritual lives.
Our journey through Lent prepares us to enter the celebration of Holy Week and Easter, remembering that we are the Body of Christ offering our daily living in union with Him..
Lent is a very special time, a time for us to renew our baptismal commitment, our life of prayer, of service, of a sense of mission and vocation. It is a baptismal retreat for us.  Here in Turner's Cross the big increase in people attending daily Mass in Lent is very inspiring. Not everyone can do that but, for those who can, it is a most positive thing to do. Masses are available in city centre churches at all times of the day, especially at lunch time and in the afternoon. Finally, Lent wouldn’t be Lent without some outreach to others; the sick in hospitals and nursing homes; people living alone; voluntary groups who are always seeking volunteers; and so many more. May Lent 2012 be a time of renewal for all of us. May we hear these words of Christ in a new and profound way: ‘Repent, and believe in the Gospel.’

Lenten Masses:
It’s great to see the big number of Masses on Ash Wednesday and since then.  Weekday Masses during Lent 10am & 6pm.   Our thanks to the young people from the three schools in the Parish who distributed ashes in their Schools on Ash Wednesday

“Walk with Me” On sale this weekend a Lenten Journey of Prayer — an ideal companion during the season of Lent. Daily meditations in simple and accessible style, a great way to prepare for Easter. This is an excellent booklet. Cost €1.30  Available at the back of the Church.

Stations of the Cross for Lent
If there is an attendance!! we plan to have to have Stations of the Cross on Tuesday evenings at 5.30pm before the 6pm Mass  beginning on this Tues. 28th Feb.

Give yourself a gift of Peace this Lent
On the Wednesdays of Lent there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 11am, including our Mass we will have an hour with the Lord. Why not join us for an hour each week.  Silence and prayer are the key to peace. Why not give yourself this gift?

‘Youth Event: St Mary’s, Pope’s Quay, Saturday 3rd March, from 7pm to 10pm. Join us for an evening of prayer, music and reconciliation. This event is an evening run by young people for young people; open to 16-35yrs.’

Young Adults Group
Gathering this Wednesday at 7pm in Turner’s Cross Parish Centre at 7pm.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church, they have been distributed through the Primary & Secondary Schools.

Bunscoil Chríost Rí
Mass at 12.30pm on Wednesday 29th February in the church in thanksgiving for the Principal of Bunscoil Chríost Rí – Mr Seán Ó Chaoimh who is retiring

Ministers of the Word
Rota Available for the coming weeks.

Toilet facilities are available adjoining the Parish Centre and will be open before and during all Mass times.

First Friday
Next Friday is the First Friday – Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the Sick & Housebound of the Parish at their usual times on Thursday & Friday .