The past 12 months has seen many changes in our Community, we are now living in a time of uncertainty and worry. Families have felt the pain of, unemployment, cuts in wages, businesses closing down and many are worried about what the future holds. Many families are dealing with grief through death, separation, emigration and illness. As a community let us begin our Lenten Journey to Easter with hope in our hearts.
On Ash Wednesday we bless the ashes. These ashes are made from the palms which were blessed on Palm Sunday last year. Many make the effort on Ash Wednesday and during Lent to get to Mass and receive the Ashes. The sign of the cross is made as the ashes are put on our foreheads. The priest or the minister says turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel, or similar words. The signing with ashes reminds us of our dying to the old way of life and challenges us to live our lives in the light of faith.
At the 10am Mass on Ash Wednesday pupils from each of the three schools in the Parish will be commissioned to bring the blessed ashes to their schools where a ceremony will take place and they will impose ashes on the staff and fellow pupils. Let us begin our Lenten Journey with hope in our hearts.
Ash Wednesday
Next Wed. 22nd Feb. Ashes will be Blessed and imposed at the Masses. The Mass Times on Ash Wednesday and on all the weekdays of Lent will be at 10am & 6pm. If there is an attendance!! we plan to have to have Stations of the Cross on Tuesday evenings at 5.30pm before the 6pm Mass beginning Tues. 28th Feb.
Walk with Me On sale this weekend a Lenten Journey of Prayer an ideal companion during the season of Lent. Daily meditations in simple and accessible style, a great way to prepare for Easter. This is an excellent booklet. Cost 1.30 Available at the back of the Church.
Eucharistic Congress: There are 1500 tickets available for allocation to the parishes within the diocese of Cork and Ross The Eucharistic Congress closing ceremonies in Croke Park on Sun. 17th June. Our parish has received 20 tickets. If you are a resident in the Parish of Turners Cross and would like to be at the ceremony, collect an application form from the Sacristy. Completed form with fee of 10 to be returned to Sacristy before Sat. 25th Feb. If over subscribed we will draw names. We have to return application forms and fee to the Diocese Office by Friday 2nd March.
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church, and will also be distributed through the Primary & Secondary Schools. Last Lent through the Family Fast Boxes the great sum of 7,920 was raised for Trócaire from our Parish.
Bunscoil Chríost Rí
Our congratulations and good wishes to David OKelly who has been appointed Principal of Bunscoil Chríost Rí he will be replacing Sean O Caoimh who is retiring.
Turners Cross Gramophone Society: recital will be held on Tues. 21th Feb. at 7.30om. in the Parish Centre. Presenter Tom Maher
Evening of Music & Song in aid of West Cork Trawler Tragedy at Nemo Rangers on Fri. 24th Feb. at 9pm Music by The Rainbows Tickets 20 including light supper . Spot Prizes Galore.
At the 10am Mass this Sunday we will give a special blessing to Joy and Clement Odigie and formally send them to be presented to the Bishop Buckley in the Cathedral next weekend in the final stage of preparation to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
We congratulate them and continue to pray for Joy & Clement, that the Holy Spirit will help them to be ready for the gift of full unity with Christ in the Church.
What about us? If we were to be baptised this Easter would we be ready to receive this great gift? We pray too, during Lent, that Christs light will shine on every part of our lives and our parish community so that we will be able to renew our Baptism with faith and joy at Easter.
Lourdes 2012 (Cork & Ross Pilgrimage) 11th -16th June 2012. Diocesan Pilgrimage (Mons Kevin OCallaghan – Tel: 4346463) Young Adults 18-35 years (Sr Karen Kent – Tel: 4537601)
Ministers of the Word
A one night course for Minsters of the Word will take place on Monday 20th February at 8.00pm Douglas Parish Centre. Details from Anne Francis (087) 2282134 ~ email: abfrancis@eircom.net or contact Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie – Booking is Essential.
Baptism Preparation Teams
Our Parish Baptism Preparation Teams need new members to add to the current teams who visit families to prepare the family for the baptism of their child. If interested please hand in your name to one of the priests a three night course will begin on Tuesday 28th Feb. here in our Parish Centre. Our thanks to those who have volunteered We need one more person to complete a team please hand your names in Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie.
Deaths: We extend our sympathies to the families of Margaret Lynch, Orchard Close, and Madge ORiordan-Coleman, Connolly Rd., whose funerals took place during the past week, may they rest in eternal peace.