15th January 2012 – 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

Pointing the way to Jesus
Christ calls each of us by name, in today’s Mass should take a moment to reflect on what that call means. In the readings we meet people who were called and answered the call. In the first reading we meet Samuel he was called by God, at first he was unsure of his calling but once he realised who was calling him he opens himself to a life-giving relationship with God.  In the Gospel we again meet John the Baptist  who points  his disciples in the way of Jesus one was  Andrew who in turn calls his brother Simon Peter – thus the Church began when they answered the call to be disciples.  The word ‘disciple’ means a learner and suggests a relationship of teaching and learning between Jesus and those whom he attracts. This is not a bad image to describe the interaction between Jesus and us who are his disciples in this generation. During the week if we could put ourselves in the place of the first disciples and call others and point them in the way of Jesus.

Baptism Preparation Team
Our parish baptism preparation teams need new members to add to the current teams who visit families to prepare the family for the baptism of their child.  If interested please hand in your name to one of the priests – a three night course will begin on  28th Feb. here in our Parish Centre.  Our thanks to the person who volunteered last weekend

Coffee Morning
There will be a tea/coffee/chat morning in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass on this Thursday 19th January all are welcome.

Parenting Course:

There have been a number of inquiries about having another Parenting Course here in our Parish Center in Christ the King. The Parish Assembly have organised to have a course if there are sufficient numbers. It will be held on Thursday nights 7pm-9.30pm  beginning 2nd February for six weeks. The course will be facilitated by Ann Murphy (who was with us for the two previous courses in our Parish). There will be a variety of topics covered including: Meeting our children’s needs: encouraging, listening, Setting boundaries for our Son/Daughter Helping our children make “good” choices Developing emotional health, Communicating.  This course has been very successful and helpful to many families over the years.  We strongly encourage and invite you to participate. For more details, please contact the Parish Mobile 087-2610276 or Beth O’Sullivan at 085-2832707 or call in to the Sacristy before the 22nd January.

‘Do this in Memory’
We welcome the Children preparing for First Confession & First Holy Communion and their parents to our 10am Mass this weekend.

Special Collection: Following the letter last October from the Bishop re. the shortage of funds for the running of the Diocese a second collection will be taken up four times a year the first for this year will be taken us at all Masses next weekend  21/22 January

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Maurice Ahern. Glendale Grove, Hugh McCormick, Greenhill's Estate and  Gus Hanley, Doyle Rd. who died recently we extend our sympathy to their families and friends.

The Response after the Consecration during January & February will be
Priest: The mystery of faith    People: My Lord and my God

Parish Assembly: Members who don’t have emails can collect minuets of last meeting in the Sacristy.

Thank You to Turner's Cross Parish:
St. Vincent de Paul have written to thank all who contributed so generously to their annual Christmas Church Gate Collection. €5380 was contributed also those who brought gifts in abundance  to the Santa Basket. Your continued support will be appreciated during these difficult times.
Tarocaire have written to thank all for your support of their Global Gift Campaign in December. The gifts they tell us will make a life changing difference to communities in developing countries. €1,616 was contributed. This is the break down; 18 Fruit Trees for Guatemala, 25 Clutch of Chickens for Malawi. 14 Goats for The Peoples Republic of Congo. 27 Gifts for a better Worlds for Trocaire projects Worldwide. 8 School Fees & Lunches for Zimbabwe & Somalia. 1 Gift of freedom for Pakistan  A donation of €25 for Trocaire Projects. 
The Parish Assembly, St. Vincent de Paul & Trocaire thank Parishioners for their generosity.

Migrant Sunday:  Pope Benedict established this Day of Remembrance as a response to the massive displacements and suffering caused by the First World War. Today the Church invites us to remember all migrants, those who have left Ireland to find a new life and those who have left their own countries to come to live here. Those migrants who have come to live here, bring gifts just as the Irish did to the countries they have gone to  over the centuries. Today we remember and pray for all who experience themselves as “foreigners” or “outsiders” where they live