What happens in Baptism?
A person who is baptized enters into the life of Christ, becomes part of Christ, is a member of the Body of Christ - St Paul to the Romans. The child is baptized using the symbol of water and the words, I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The action (the pouring of water) and the words amount to what we call a sacrament. A sacrament is a symbolic action which brings about what the action and words signify. For example, at Mass the bread and wine, together with the words This is my Body, This is my Blood, bring about the presence of Christ. By the action and words of the priest at Mass, Christ is truly present on the altar though the externals remain the same. The action and words at baptism create a new Christian: St. Paul says And for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old creation has gone, and now the new one is here.
Baptism Preparation Team
Our parish baptism preparation teams need new members to add to the current teams who visit families to prepare the family for the baptism of their child. If interested please hand in your name to one of the priests a 3 night course will begin on Feb. 28th here in our Parish Centre.
Parenting Course
The Parish Assembly are organising a Parenting Course here in our Parish Centre, the Course will be facilitated by Ann Murphy (who was with us for the two previous courses we had in the Parish) on Thursdays February, 2nd, 9th, 16th. March 1st, 8th and 15th. What is it about? 1.What is your child looking for. 2. Responsible Parenting. 3. Encouraging, 4. Listening , 5. Communicating. 6. Disciplining children. Talking things out together. Bringing it all together. Parents who have been on the course have found it very helpful. If you would like to be part of the course contact Beth OSullivan 085-2832707or give you name in at the Sacristy
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Maurice Ahern. Glendale Grove, Hugh McCormick, Greenhills Estate and Eddie Williams, Connolly Rd. who died recently we extend our sympathy to their families and friends.
The Parish Assembly: will meet on this Mon. 9th Jan. in the Parish Centre at 8pm. Collect agenda in Sacristy
St Josephs Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting on this Tues. 10th Jan. after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre.
Do this in Memory
Meeting of the Coordinating Parents Group will take place in Fr. Kerrys house on this Mon. evening 9th Dec. at 7.30pm. to prepare for next Sundays Mass at 10am (note time)
Important Dates 2012
Sun. 15 Jan. Do this in Memory Mass
Thurs. 2 Feb. Parenting Course begins
Wed. 22 Feb. Ash Wednesday
Tues. 28 Feb. Baptismal Teams training begins,
Tues. 6 March First Confessions Girls 7.30pm
Wed. 7 March First Confessions Boys 7.30pm
Sun 11 March Do this in Memory Mass 10am
Sun. 8 April Easter Sunday
Thurs. 10 May Parish Confirmations
Sat. 12 May Parish First Holy Communions
Ministers of Word & Eucharist can collect their Rotas in the Sacristy after Mass
The Response after the Consecration during January & February will be
Priest: The mystery of faith People: My Lord and my God