Thank You
As 2012 dawns we The Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish would like to thank you for you help and support. Every parish is a kind of family – We thank God that in our Parish of Christ the King, there are so many families and individuals who live the faith they profess. There are many people whose special contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their often unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched. Today we offer our special thanks to – those who care for the Church and clean it every week, look after the flowers and altar linens, the Choir, Ministers of Word and Eucharist, Altar Servers and their parents, Church Collectors, Sacristan, Caretaker, Parish Dues Collectors, those who care for the sick and elderly. St Vincent de Paul Society, St. Josephs Young Priests Society. Legion of Mary, The Parish Baptismal Teams. Our Child Protection Representative. The Prayer Group, We thank those who put up the Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully. We thank you for your generosity in the offertory collection each week for the upkeep of the Church and payment of staff. Our thanks to the Pariah Finance Committee. Sr. Karen Kent from the Pastoral Development Office who has been so helpful.
We the members of the Second Parish Assembly sincerely thank all for their help and support over the past year. As we begin the New Year we pray that 2012 will bring us many blessings.
The Parish Assembly, Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie.
We thank all who contributed so generously to the following causes during 2011
Trocaire Christmas Gift Cards 1.635
Trocaire Lenten Campaign 7.920
Trocaire East Africa Appeal 8.410
Lourdes Fund 1,396
Eucharistic Congress: 1.398
Episcopal Commission 1.218
Holy Places 915
Pastoral Planning 1.388
Popes Collection 1.408
Education Fund 2.238
Mission Sunday. 2.353
Marriage Care : 1.133
A Great Christmas
It has been a lovely Christmas, there were great crowds and a great atmosphere during the Advent and Christmas Masses, Carol Concert, The Eucharistic Congress Bell arriving in our Parish, all these events brought a wonderful element of joyful preparation, anticipation, participation, celebration and community, we thank all who were involved in any way.
Thank you for your Christmas wishes and generous Christmas offerings. We appreciate your encouraging words. A happy and healthy New Year to all.
Fr. Charlie & Fr. Kerry
Ministers of Word & Eucharist can collect their new Rotas in the Sacristy after Mass
During the coming week when we are about to take down the Christmas tree and decorations, the wise men arrive. The feast of the Epiphany, which we celebrate on Friday – the 12th day of Christmas, – is an important one. Just like the wise men we are all searching for meaning and purpose to life. As we make our New Year resolutions, we pray for strength and courage on our journey especially when the going is difficult. . As we begin this New Year why not check on all thats good and positive in our lives. This is a great starting point. We can use all thats good and positive as areas of growth and potential. When this happens the negative begins to be squeezed out. The message of the Gospels reminds us that it wont all happen today, but most certainly will over time, if we make the effor
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord – 6th January
Holyday of Obligation Masses: Thurs. 5th Vigil 6pm. Friday 6th.10am & 6pm (Note new Mass times)
St. Vincent de Paul
The members of the Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed so generously to their annual Christmas Church Gate Collection 5380 was contributed also those who brought gifts in abundance to the Santa Basket. Your continued support will be appreciated during these difficult times.
The Response after the Consecration during January & February will be –
Priest: The mystery of faith People: My Lord and my God
A New Beginnings
As the New Year starts
And the old year ends
Theres no better time
To make amends
For all the things
We sincerely regret
And wish in our hearts
We could somehow forget—
We all make mistakes,
For its human to err,
But no one need ever
Give up in despair,
For God gives us all
A brand-new beginning,
A chance to start over
And repent of our sinning—
And when God forgives us
We too must forgive
And resolve to be better
Each day that we live
Be constantly trying
To be like Him more nearly
And to trust in His wisdom
And love Him more dearly—
Assured that were never
Out of His care
And were always welcome
To seek Him in prayer.