Our King
Of all the titles we could bestow on Jesus, that of 'King' would seem one of the most inappropriate. It smacks of the kind of things he rejected. When we think of a King we think of a crown, a palace, great wealth, power, prestige and of course an army. When we look at Jesus what do we see? There is no throne, no crown, no army. We see him walking the dusty roads of Palestine with a little band of disciples. He is surrounded by the poor and the sick, sinners and outcasts.
And yet the title 'King' is appropriate and it stands for something true and real in Jesus. He was the greatest source of goodness, light and hope in a dark world. His presence could change beyond recognition the lives of those around him. There is a great person who makes everybody feel small. But the really great person makes everybody feel great. In that sense Jesus really was a King.
Marriage Support
The Diocesan Collection in support of the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre Paul St. takes place this weekend Nov. 19th / 20th. Last year the counsellors worked with 1271 couples preparing for marriage and with 1047 clients for counselling. We encourage parishioners to help and support the marriage preparation and marriage counselling centre in the diocese by giving to this special collection.
Mass times:
Throughout our Diocese in every Parish there will be a reduction of weekend Masses beginning in January 2012. Here in Christ the King Church our new Mass times will be Saturday Vigil 6pm. Sunday 10am and 12noon. Working Holydays Vigil 6pm, Day 10am & 6pm We will publish the new times of Masses in surrounding parishes shortly.
Tramore Athletic FC The 6pm Mass on next Sat. 26 Nov. will be offered for all the living and deceased members of Tramore Athletic
Parish Christmas Cards & Triduum Cards
Will be available in the Parish Office after the Masses next weekend. and during the coming weekdays for a short while after the 10am Daily Mass,
Altar Servers: there will be a meeting of all those who have applied to be Altar Servers and their Parents in the Church on Thursday next 24th Nov. at 2.35pm.
Dates for your Diary
6th Dec. Carol Concert with the Pupils of Bunscoil Chriost Ri, Colaiste Chriost Ri, Christ King Girls Secondary School, Parish Choir & School Choirs in the Church 7.30pm.
9th Dec. The Eucharistic Congress Bell will arrive in our Parish on the 9th Dec. From Congress Rd it will be brought in procession to the Church via Derrynane Rd. OConnell Ave & Evergreen Rd. where there will be an hour of prayer from 7.30pm. It will overnight in our Church. More details shortly.
11th Dec. Giving Sunday, and the St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Collection.
12th Dec. Parish Assembly Meeting
17th-18th Dec. Penitential Rites (Confessions)
Turners Cross Senior Citizens Christmas Party in Nemo Rangers
Sun. 4th Dec. at 3pm. Names must be handed into to Sacristy before Sun. 27th Nov.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers James Kelleher, Connolly Rd and Ita Ryder who died recently we extend our sympathy to his families.
Safeguarding Children: This week Bishop John Buckley launched a revised policy document entitled Safeguarding Children in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. The new policy document is the work of a Diocesan Child Safeguarding Committee. It has brought Diocesan policies and procedures into line with the principles and standards laid down in the national document. This is another step in the efforts of Cork & Ross to put in place effective measures for safeguarding children. Bishop Buckley, in the foreword, says "this new policy document is a statement of the ongoing commitment of this Diocese to ensuring that all children and young people who are involved in Church-related activities are safeguarded and respected". The document is being distributed to all the priests of the Diocese and to over 180 lay Parish Representatives from every Parish who have been trained in the past three years. Our Parish representative is Mary Ryder 086-1516757
A brochure has also been produced by the Diocese which gives essential information, advice and contact details for the relevant personnel operating in this area. Copies are available in the Sacristy.
Related Link: www.corkandross.org/html/diocese/safeguarding/safeguarding.jsp