Remembrance Weekend
All our Masses this weekend are offered for our dead. It is a time for reflection and prayer, when we remember our dead and the times we spent with them. It is an opportunity to recall the good days and the difficult days when we shared our hopes, dreams and our actions together. Watching a memorial service on TV for the victims of the Floods in the Philippines . I realised that those who survived, those who lost their loved ones and the traumatised were also being remembered in a special way. The same will be the case at all our Masses this Remembrance Weekend. An opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful gift of family, kind neighbors and friendship.
All of us are shaped and influenced by what has happened in the past. That is why during November we pray for those who have died and acknowledge their influence in our own lives today. Thank you for coming to share our Masses this weekend.
In the rising of the sun and its going down………………….
All. We remember them
In the blowing of the wind and the chill of the winter…..
We remember them
In the opening of the buds and the warmth of summer…..
We remember them
In the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of Autumn..
We remember them
In the beginning of the year and when it ends………………
We remember them
When we are weary and in need of strength………………..
We remember them
When we are lost and sick of heart……………………………
We remember them
When we have joy and yearn to share ………………………..
We remember them
So long as we live, they too shall live for they are part of us…….
We remember them
When we grow old and forgetful we still know …….
All: That God remembers them
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls continues until Wed. 10th Nov.
During the Novena daily Masses at 10am & 6pm
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Betty Farry, Curragh Rd. & Paul Kingston, Woodgrove who died recently, we extend our sympathy to their families.
St Josephs Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting on Tues. 8th Nov. after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre. (note change of time)
November Blessing of Graves & Prayers
Sun 6th Nov.
St .Joseph's Tory Top Rd. 2.30pm (bring a little container for Holy Water that will be blessed during the ceremony)
St. Finbarrs Glasheen Rd. 2.30pm
Douglas 3pm
Rathcooney 3pm
St. James, Chetwynd 3pm
Sunday 13th Nov.
St. Michaels Blackrock 3pm
St. Catherines Kilcully 3pm
A Thought
It is difficult to understand death or make sense of the loss of a loved one. Death is not an end, only a beginning. We trust, hope and pray that all who have died are at peace and happy. Today and throughout this month of November we remember them in a special way.
Lord, we miss our loved ones, words fail to express the sadness we feel, particularly when our loss is recent. We trust and believe that they are now in a loving relationship with you. May all our loved ones who have died rest in peace.
Alzheimer Society meetng of the Saturday Club, Sat. 12th Nov. at Bessboro Day Care Centre. 2-4pm A musical afternoon with John Gibson at the piano. Free Admission. All Welcome
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane Friday 11th Nov. at 11a.m. Cúpla Focal Group. All welcome.