A Letter from our Bishop
Over the last number of years, the Diocese of Cork and Ross has undertaken a number of initiatives that are of support to individual parishes. Foremost amongst these are various initiatives in the area of child protection training for representatives of each parish. However, other pastoral services are also provided; the Diocesan Education Office provides advice and support to the parish primary schools of the diocese which number over one hundred and eighty and , in recent times, much resources in terms of time, personnel and finance have been spent in the area of Pastoral Development and the involvement of laity in their parishes.
Unfortunately, these initiatives, as well as being pastorally necessary, come at a cost. The Diocese is funded by a 10% levy on parish collections. In recent times, with collections falling, this income from this levy has also fallen. The Central Fund of the Diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of over 300,000.
Like any good housekeeper, the diocese has examined its outlays and reduced its costs where it can. However, some costs are necessary and over the past few years, the Diocese has operated at a loss. That situation cannot continue. It is essential to plan for the future and, when outlays exceed income, outlays must be reduced or income increased. We cannot reduce outlays any further without compromising the Pastoral role of the Diocese. To that end, we must look at income. From a review of other dioceses, this Diocese claims the smallest percentage of parish income. Parishes too have expenses and many parishes have undertaken necessary refurbishment and development work. The Diocese, in no way, wishes to encroach on these initiatives and on their funding.
To that end, discussions were held with the Diocesan Finance Committee and with clergy and chairpersons of Parish Finance Committees in July. The general consensus was that a second collection quarterly, to support the Diocesan Office and Diocesan initiatives was the best way forward. That situation also obtains in many other Dioceses. I have taken that advice and from October 2011, a quarterly special collection will introduced.
I know that many families and parishes are feeling the pressure of these times. In introducing this collection, I am very mindful of that context and I assure you that costs are being kept to a minimum. However, best practice and current realities dictate that we must focus on areas of need without losing sight of the pastoral and evangelical mission of the local church. These, unfortunately involve a cost. I would also assure you that compensation for victims of clerical child abuse is not part of this fund and this collection is not and will not be used for that purpose.
Please note that this collection will take place in this Church at all Masses on Sunday 30th Oct.
Deaths: We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families Mary Ahern, Fr. Matthew Rd .and Noel OConnell, Windmill Rd who died recently May they rest in peace.
Autumn Dues
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes in the Sacristy after Mass today. Many thanks.
Fr Mathews Basketball Club Academy Looking for new players Boys and Girls born in 2005/2004/2003/2002 Practice in Chriost Ri Seconday School every Sunday Girls 11.00am -12.00 Boys 12.00-1.00pm
ST JOSEPHS YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETY MASS and A.G.M. will be held this Tuesday 11th October at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre all are welcome.
Alzheimer Society, meeting of the Saturday Club, Sat. 15th Oct. at Bessboro. From 2pm until 4pm. Talk by Mark Tyrell (Lecturer at UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery),
Entitled: Dementia Carers, taking care of yourself Free Admission. All Welcome
"DO THIS IS MEMORY" Parents Representative Meeting Monday 10th October at 7.30pm in Fr Charlies house.
PARISH ASSEMBLY MEETING: Monday October 10th at 8pm Parish Centre Agendas available in the sacristy.
Get to know each other Coffee Morning. An invitation is extended by the Hospitality & Community Group of the Parish Assembly to all parishioners and Mass goers to a monthly coffee morning on Wednesday 12th October at 10.30am no charge, no special cause just an opportunity for parishioners to chat for a half an hour or so over a cuppa and a biscuit, all are welcome.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD can collect their Rotas. in the Sacristy.
An Evening of Healing for all who have been
wounded by the reality of abuse
When? Sunday, 16 Oct. at 3.00 pm.
Where? SMA Hall, Wilton, Cork.
Those who have been affected by sexual or other abuse, in all its manifestations, within the family, in institutions, in the church or in any other setting as well as their families, their carers and supporters are welcome to attend.
The evening is carefully designed and focused so as to respond to the need for healing and renewal. It includes appropriate chant, singing, music, dance, readings, ceremonial and symbolism. It is structured so that those who participate will leave with a sense of hope in their own worth as individuals and as valued members of the community.