25th September 2011 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time

Priesthood Sunday
This Sunday is known as Priesthood Sunday and is a day of prayer for all priests throughout the world. Here is Turner’s Cross we have been very fortunate to have two priests who serve in our parish, and as we know all too well this is a luxury for us here because some parishes have one priest and others have none. Whilst Vocation Sunday is held in May each year does not mean that we just promote and pray on that day. We as parishioners and lay people together with our priests need to continuously pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life especially from our own parish community – if someone has or is showing an interested in priesthood or religious life they need every bit of support and encouragement from us, and Fr Kerry and Fr Charlie are always available to give the advice, help, and support that is needed.

Prayer for Vocations.
O Jesus, send labourers into your fields which are awaiting holy apostles, saintly priests, heroic missionaries, dedicated sisters and brothers. Enkindle in the hearts of men and women the spark of a vocation. Grant that Christian Families may desire to give your Church helpers in the work of tomorrow. AMEN.

2nd Collection this weekend
The Annual Collection for the Education of Students for the Priesthood will take place this weekend at all Masses.  The Diocese currently has six men in training for Priesthood. Five of these students are in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth and one is in the Irish College in Rome.  This year, one man, Anthony Buckley, was ordained and is now serving in Skibereen. This month, two men commenced their studies in Maynooth for the Diocese, where they will join the other three who are at various stages of their formation.  This Collection is the principal source of funding for the education of our students. This collection has also been used to subsidise a number of lay people from the Diocese, who are involved in their parishes and are studying Theology.

The annual pilgrimage to St Finbarr’s Oratory will take place on this Sunday 25th September. St Finbarr is the patron saint of Cork. Rosary will be recited at 2.30pm and the Chief Celebrant of the Mass 3pm will be Bishop John Buckley.

Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives.
The role of Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives is to ensure that all information about Child Protection Procedures is available and that Diocesan Procedures for safeguarding are implemented in the parish, thus ensuring that each parish is committed to best practise in respect of children and all young people.
People who may be interested in becoming Parish Representatives for the Parish of Turner’s Cross are invited to give their names to the Parish Office or to one of the priests (086-2610276).  A training course will take place shortly for both existing and new representatives.

First Holy Communion Enrolment: will take place during the 10.30 Mass this Sunday and we welcome the girls and boys with their parents of 2nd class of Bunscoil Chríost Rí who are enrolling for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion – we pray for them as this an important commitment.

Parish Confirmation Date : May 10th 2012.

Turner’s Cross Gramophone Society: recital will be held on Tuesday 27th September at 7.30om. Presenter: Jo Casey.

NEW AREA COLLECTORS Are Required for the following areas so if you reside in or near any of these areas: Kings Bridge Apts, Lios na Greine, Park Avenue, Part of Loretto Pk  & Woodgrove Pk on the Cross Douglas Rd, and who would like to help please contact Fr Charlie on 4313103 or 087-2610276.

Ministers of the WORD & EUCHARIST
can collect their Rotas. in the Sacristy.

Are you in 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th Class and interested in becoming an Altar Server?  If your answer is Yes, please call to the Sacristy with your parent to collect application and permission form, Training for all servers will take place shortly. All applications must be in by the end of this coming week.


We extend our sympathies to the family  of Bill Reynolds of Church View Curragh Rd, who died during the past week, may he rest in eternal peace.

The Sacraments:
Life-Giving An opportunity for a closer look at the sacraments, their meaning in our lives, and how they lead us to a deeper encounter with Jesus and one another. With Fr. Christy Fitzgerald and Anne Francis.  Five Monday nights, September 26th – October 24th. 8.00-9.30pm, Frankfield parish centre, contribution €5 per night. Details, bookings, liturgy@corkandross.org <mailto:liturgy@corkandross.org> ; abfrancis@eircom.net <mailto:abfrancis@eircom.net> ; 087-228-2134. 

Let the HEALING begin
An Evening of Healing for all who have been wounded by the reality of abuse
will take place on Sunday,16th October at 3pm, in the SMA Hall, Wilton, Cork. Further details on Church Notice Board.

Hearing Aids & Equipment:
There is a LOOP SYSTEM in our church and those with hearing aids can turn their systems to T, if your hearing aid is not programmed properly it can interfere with the sound system in the church, by creating a high pitched buzzing sound.

Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice
The sum of €1,515.00 was raised during a recent Coffee Morning in the Parish Centre, Many thanks to all concerned.

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane.

Tuesday 27th September 2011.  At 11.00a.m. : Visit by author Céline Spengeman (for adults). Admission free & all are welcome. At 3.00p.m.:  Gramophone Recital presented by John O’Gorman. Admission free & all are welcome.