4th September 2011 – 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Is the Mass changing? The structure of the Mass is not changing. Its order and the actions of the Mass remain unchanged. The readings at Mass are not changed. However, with the introduction of the new edition of Roman Missal we will notice a change in how the Mass sounds. The translations of a significant number of our prayer texts from the original Latin have changed – sometimes by just a change in a particular word or in the word order. Prayers that we have become used to reciting by memory will need to be relearned. Prayers that we are used to hearing the priest say will sound different to us. The style of language we will hear and pray may seem more formal to us and perhaps, in parts, more complex. But over time, with the praying of these texts, the sound of the Mass will again become familiar to us.
Changes in responses at Mass New Sounds.
A short glossary of some new words and phrases in the congregational prayers and  responses.                                               
And with your spirit: the most obvious change, used by the congregation at the beginning and end of Mass, before the Gospel, at the beginning of the Preface and at the Sign of Peace. 'And with your spirit' is the literal translation of what we find in the Latin text, 'et cum spiritu tuo',  it proclaims the presence of Christ among us. 
The Confiteor has changed as it follows the Latin more closely: “that I have greatly sinned” replaces “that I have sinned through my own fault;”  and “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault”  translating mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
. “therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-virgin ” replaces “and I ask …”
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will “ The new opening line follows the better Greek original text which is the Angels' song over the shepherds' field.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son” replaces “Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father”  Though it might be regarded as an archaic word, we have said the word ‘begotten’ twice in the Creed for over forty years.
“I believe” not We believe is the traditional beginning of the Creed when recited in the liturgy.  The singular  form is not about individualism but associated with Baptism, it is a personal profession of faith. 

Pioneer Mass in St. Mary’s Pope’s Quay on Wed. 7th Sept. at 8pm Fr. Bernard McGuckian S.J. National Director will celebrate the Mass.  All are welcome. 
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine Sunday September 11th. Blessing of the Sick at 2.30pm followed by Mass & Rosary at 3pm. Archbishop of Tuam, Dr. Michael Neary is Chief Celebrant, with Fr. Benny McHale the homilist & reflection by Kathy Sinnott, EWTN. 

Bunscoil Chriost Ri: History was made in the Parish on Thursday with the amalgamation of Scoil Chriost Ri and Christ King Girls Primary School. with the new name Bunscoil Chriost Ri.  Our congratulations to Mr. Sean O’Keeffe on his appointment as principle.  As the new school year begins our prayers and good wishes to the Parents, Teachers, and Pupils.

Alzheimer Society, meeting of the Saturday Club,
Sat. 10th Sept. at Bessboro Day Care Centre.  From 2pm until 4pm.  We are delighted this month to present an afternoon of musical entertainment provided by Chris O’Shea. Light refreshments provided.  Free Admission.  All Welcome, information contact 021 4972504
Carers Support Meeting which will be taking place in the The Alzheimer Day Care Centre , Bessboro, Blackrock on Wed. 14th Sept from 3p.m to 4:30p.m.

Dates for Your Diary for September:

7th Sept. Meeting delegates of Pastoral Area (St. Francis, St. Augustines, Holy Trinity, Ss. Peter & Paul’s  South Parish & Turner’s Cross) in the Parish Centre Turner’s Cross at 8pm
12th Sept. Meeting of Parish Assembly in Parish Centre ay 8pm
13th Sept. Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
14th Sept. Meeting in Christ the King Church at 7.30pm of the Parents of 2nd class pupils of Bunscoil Chriost Ri who wish their children to receive their First Holy Communion on 12th May 2012.
15th Sept, Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass
23rd Sept. Cork City Day of Culture – Talk on Christ the King Church by Tom Spalding in the Church at 5pm
25th Sept.  Enrollment  of  Children from Bunscoil Chriost Ri  for  their First Holy Communion  at  10.30am Mass 

Marriage Health Check:  A workshop for couples who have been married three years or more and would like to learn what extensive research suggests is good for the well-being of marriage. Sun. Ist Oct .  10am – 1pm at Cork Marriage Counselling Centre  Paul St.  Fee €20 per couple.  Contact. 4272277 to book

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane  Fri. 9th Sept at 11 a.m. – Cúpla Focal Group. All welcome.

Minister of the Eucharist can collect their Rota for weeks beginning 17th-18th Sept. in the Sacristy

"Do this in Memory"  Programme  2011-2012
Visit our Parish Website for details