19th June 2011 – Trinity Sunday

The Blessed Trinity:
During the period of the Old Testament, God was known to the Jews the only one God. In the course of his earthly life Jesus frequently spoke of his unique relationship with the Father, saying at one stage that he and the Father were one. With his return to the Father and the sending of the Holy Spirit as the means of his presence among his Church the full picture emerges. God is three yet God is one.  We all know that St. Patrick used the shamrock  to explain the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity to  the people of Ireland. He showed  that just  as  there are three leaves on one stem, there are  three Persons in one God. The prayers most  frequently said  to the Blessed Trinity are  the  Sign of the Cross, the Glory be to the Father and  Church  Blessings. In these prayers we praise God.  let us say  them with all our hearts. 
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

A beautiful blessing attributed to St. Fursa: 
The arms of God be around my shoulders  The touch of the Holy Spirit upon my head.  The sign of Christ’s Cross upon my forehead  The sound of the Holy Spirit in my ears in my  heart  and to God the Father of all my entire being.

Our Students: As the exams draw to a close we continue to remember you in our thoughts and prayers. We hope all goes well. You are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. 

Do this in Memory Programme 2010 – 11  concludes this Sunday at the 10.30am Mass.  After Mass there will be a short Eucharistic Procession in the Grounds of the Church with the children.  Congratulations to the children to their families for being so attentive during the year and to their teachers for being so helpful. Our thanks to the parents who helped to organise the Mass each month. We look forward to September when the programme will recommence for those who will receive their Holy Communion on 12th May 2012

Novena to the Sacred Heart.
  23rd June – 1st July  Each day we will pray our Novena at the 10am Mass.    Leaflets  (pink)  with the Novena Prayers are available at the back of the Church.

Deaths:  We remember in our prayers Joan Winning, Derrynane Rd,  Brian Murphy, Greenhills Court,  Brian Corkery, Pearse Rd. and Pearl Kerrigan, Albert Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane –  Housebound service
Tory Top Library offers a housebound service to people in the community who cannot access the library. Items for borrowing include books, DVDs, video tapes and audio-books on CD or on cassette. This service is free of charge. The van, manned by library staff, calls to individual homes on a regular basis. Customers may select items from the shelves in the van or can have items delivered to them in their houses. The van is wheelchair accessible. If you wish to avail of this service please contact John O'Leary on 4924934.
Friday 24th June at 3.30p.m. “Cork – a healthy city? Have your say”. Cork Healthy City Forum. Admission free & all are welcome.

Eucharistic Congress & Eucharistic Procession:
If we are hosting the International Congress next year, why have a national one this year as well ?  There are a number of good reasons. It is good to have a focus on the local community, but every individual Christian and every parish community benefits from being reminded occasionally that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. For the first time in many years, the Irish Church will celebrate out faith in Jesus Christ and in one another as one body. Our National Eucharist Congress in Knock next Saturday and our Corpus Christi Procession here in Cork the following day will be a time of renewal in our own preparation to welcome the universal Church from all over the world in June 2012. This coming Saturday our Parish will be represented in Knock by members of our branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. At Knock on Saturday a large candle with the Eucharistic Congress Logo will be blessed for each of the 26 Dioceses in Ireland it will be brought back to our Diocese and will be on the Altar in Daunt Square.  Next Sunday  26th June  Bishop Buckley will carry the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of our City,  Bishop Bill Murphy of Kerry will preach the sermon in Daunt Square. Our parish group will gather outside the Church at 3pm and walk to Daunt Square

Collection: To raise funds for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress  2012 will be held in all parishes in the Cork and Ross Diocese next  Saturday & Sunday June 25th/26th.

Parish Assembly:  Members who do not have e-mails can collect minuets of last meeting in the Sacristy.

Trocaire:  Our thanks to all who contributed to Trocaire through the Family Lenten Fast Boxes. The amount contributed from our Parish €7,920  –  €1,080 from Christ King Girls Primary