Our Helper
The background to our gospel today is the Last Supper. During this meal Jesus gave us the example of love in the washing of the feet. The gospel is part of that final sermon on love. Jesus knows his departure is imminent and near. He knows those closest and dearest to him are going to miss him. He assures each of them and us too that the Holy Spirit is with us and near us to help us. He gives us confidence in all we do, is there to guide and direct us. The Holy Spirit has been described as someone who is there to comfort us in times of sorrow, enlighten us in times of darkness and make us brave and strong in times of weakness.
One of the best known prayers to the Holy Spirit is as follows:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Summer Scheme: Last registration for South Parish Turners Cross Summer Scheme on Monday the 30th of May at 8pm in South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street (Behind Fiat Garage). Places limited.
All Night Vigil of Reparation & Adoration: South Presentation Chapel, Douglas Street, on the First Friday of the month – 3rd June. Rosary starts at 10 p.m. First Friday Mass at 10.30 pm First Saturday Mass at 6 a.m.
"Could you not watch one hour with me"
First Friday: Next Friday is the First Friday Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound at their usual time on Thursday and Friday. If you are not on their lists and would like a priest to call to you please make contact on any of the priests phone numbers on Bulletin.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Tony ODonovan, Cemetery Cross, Timothy Hayes-Murphy, Church View, Curragh Rd. and Ann Bannon who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Trócaire Boxes: can still be returned to the Sacristy during the week.
Our Students: are remembered in our thoughts and prayers and in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.
A Students Prayer: Lord Jesus, As I now prepare for my exams, I ask you to grant me strength of mind and constant hope. Banish from my mind all fear, anxiety, regret and nervous distraction. May your gift of the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten my mind. At this difficult time, give me the gift of self-confidence and an assurance that you will hear my prayer, answer my need and continue to guide me as I pursue lifes journey. I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Gramaphone Recital this Tursday 31st May at 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Presenter: Colette Buckley.
Cork Lions Club are running a Recycle for Sight campaign people are asked to gather old glasses (including reading glasses and sunglasses) that are no longer required and deposit them in the specially marked Lions Recycle for Sight collection box located.
at the back of our Church the Box will be collected this coming week. These glasses will be cleaned and passed to Lions Club International for distribution in developing countries where eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible. your generosity will be much appreciated.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane
Tuesday 31st May at 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital with Jim Aherne. Admission free & all are welcome.
Is féidir linn.' If anybody ever tells you that your problems are too big, or your challenges are too great, that we can't do something, that we shouldn't even try – think about all that we've done together. Remember that whatever hardships the winter may bring, springtime is always just around the corner. And if they keep on arguing with you, just respond with a simple creed: 'Is féidir linn. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Is féidir linn.' ~President Barack Obama speaking in Dublin last Monday
Thank you: Fr.Kerry & Fr. Charlie would like to thank all of you for contributing towards the Spring Dues and Easter offerings. We realise that these are difficult times financially for a lot of our parishioners and we thank you for your continued kindness and your generosity. Our sincere thanks to those who collect the Dues.
Eucharistic Adoration: In preparation for the 2012 International Eucharistic Congress a Bi-Monthly Novena of Eucharistic Adoration will be conducted alternatively at locations in the Diocese of Cork & Ross and Diocese of Cloyne, Sunday 29th May Venue: Church of St. Mary and St. John, Ballincollig, Commencement 2.30 pm Scripture readings Contemplative prayer Benediction 7.00pm Theme: Christ Truly Present in the Blessed Eucharist
Lord, Be my friend this day.
Help me to live as best I can.
Guide my steps along the way
And keep me always in your hand St. Therese of Lisieux