Sermon on the Mount –
In todays section of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus proposes standards that go beyond external ways of behaviour but challenge how we feel in our hearts. When have you found that living out of inner conviction is more life-giving than keeping up appearances?
Jesus applies his teaching to feelings of anger and sexual desire. He suggests that if we do not keep an eye on our feelings and thoughts we will not be able to control our actions. Perhaps you have experienced the truth of this. What has helped you to integrate your feelings so that you were able to live in right relationship with yourself and others?
For Jesus persons with genuine authenticity do not need to swear an oath to be convincing. Their yes or no suffices. Recall people who had this kind of credibility for you. When have you found that your simple, direct and honest communication had a positive persuasive force?
The New Turners Cross Parish Assembly.
Following recent meetings and the planning day in Rochestown this Saturday, the first meeting of the new assembly will take place in the Parish Centre this Mon. 14th Feb. at 8pm. We thank those who have answered the call and pray Gods blessing and guidance on all the members of the new assembly
CURA If you are concerned about an unplanned pregnancy and would like to talk to someone in confidence contact CURA. Lo- Call 1850 622626. See for local Centre details. All Cura services are FREE and completely CONFIDENTIAL. Support service is available to women, men and all family members.
Tragedy at Cork Airport: Our prayers and sympathy to the families who lost loved ones on Thursday morning. To the injured our good wishes for a speedy recovery. Our appreciation to the emergency services who gave of their best.
Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions.
We remember in our prayers Richie Barrett, Derrynane Rd who died recently, Richie served as Sacristan here in our Church of Christ the King for a number of years. To his wife Maureen and family we extend our sympathy. May he rest in peace.
St. Valentine February 14th
St. Valentine is known as the patron saint of people in love. In 1836, Pope Gregory XVI sent a gift to the Carmelite Church in Dublin…recognition of the work carried out by the former prior of the Church, Father John Spratt, widely-known as a very holy man. The gift was a relic of a Christian martyr…a small gold-bound casket which contained the earthly remains of one Saint. The relic had been exhumed from the Cemetery on the Tibertine Way in Rome, placed into a golden casket and transported to Dublin, where it was enshrined with great ceremony in the little Carmelite Church. Every year, on Feb. 14, the casket containing the remains of Valentine is carried in solemn procession to the high altar for a special Mass dedicated to young people and all those in love.
A Valentine Prayer
I said a Valentine prayer for you
and asked the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
With the precious gift of love.
I asked Him for sincere love
The kind thats meant to stay
Just like the generous love
You give to those you touch each day.
I prayed for love from family
And from every cherished friend
Then I asked the Lord to give you
His love that knows no end.
Engaged: Are you engaged to be married? To coincide with St Valentines Day on this Mon. 14th Feb. at 6 pm we are are offering a blessing to engaged couples and a blessing of engagement rings.
Book Club: Anyone interested in joining new book club in the Turners Cross area please contact Clare at 086-3192238 all book lovers welcome
Tory Top Library Ballyphehane- Tuesday 22nd Feb. at 3p.m.
Gramophone Recital presented by John OGorman. All welcome.