23rd January 2011 – 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Two Pillars of John Paul II's Holiness
The Prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes says that the late Pope John Paul II's sanctity rested on two pillars: faith in the presence of God and a missionary spirit.  This was the conviction expressed by Cardinal Angelo Amato to L'Osservatore Romano, in an interview about the May 1 beatification of the Polish Pontiff. He spoke of these two essential attitudes embodied in John Paul II.    
"The first is great faith in the presence of God in history, because the Incarnation is important, effective and conquers evil: The grace of the Eucharistic presence of the Lord overcomes all the barriers and anti-human regimes," the cardinal said. He recalled how the Polish Pope had to live through Nazi and Communist regimes, seeing "the implosion and destruction of both."  
"The second attitude is his great missionary spirit," Cardinal Amato continued. "The Pope's journeys were true and proper missionary activity. He reached the confines of the earth to proclaim the Gospel of Christ."

The New Turner’s Cross Parish Assembly.
Thank you to all who came to came to the meeting last Monday evening – We look forward to gathering again this Monday 24th at 8pm in the Parish Centre in the Church Grounds.

We extend our sympathies to the families of Mary Kelleher, Green Lawn; Sr Máire McElligot, Presentations Sisters Turner’s Cross; Nancy Foley, Murphy Gardens; Jeannie Cahill, Ballinlough and  Alice Ellis, Summerhill South,  May they rest in eternal peace.

Parish Baptisms Times & Dates.
1st & 3rd Saturday after the 6pm Mass
2nd & 4th Sunday after the 12 noon Mass.
3 weeks notice is required, and each family will be contacted by Members of the Baptismal Preparation Team to explain and plan the Baptismal Ceremony.
We welcome to the Christian Community: Lola Marie O’Sullivan, Courtney Beth Lane and Harry Ian Burke who were baptised since the beginning of the New Year.

Holy Land Pilgrimage:
If you are interested in travelling to the Holy Land on the Parish Pilgrimage please give your name to Fr. Kerry as soon as you can,  Dates 13th Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2011 direct flight from Cork. To date 36 have given their names the maximum is 50.

ALtar Servers Rotas
Rotas for the coming year are now available from the Sacristy.

Ministers of the Eucharist Roras.

Rotas are now available from the Sacristy.

Mass Cards:
Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions.

Young Adults Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2011.
Young Adults (18-35 years) Pilgrimage as part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes ~11th – 16th June 2011. Cost: €550 further details and bookings: Sr. Karen Kent in the Pastoral Development Office at 021-4537601 or email karen.kent@corkandross.org BOOKING NOW TAKING PLACE.

Where in God’s name is God?
Fresh Insights for People and Communities of Faith.
The lectures will take place on Thursday nights from 7.30 -9 pm at the Presentation Brothers, Mardyke House, Cork from the 3rd of February until the 10th of March inclusive. Please find additional information at www.nostra.ie . Please contact mary.t.martin@mic.ul.ie or phone the office at 061 20 43 79 if you are interested in attending this series of lectures.

Remembrance Mass
for loved ones we have lost through Suicide on Sunday 6th February 2011 at 1pm St. Augustine Church, Washington Street, Cork City (Organised by Breaking The Silence & SOSAD)